Για γέλια, ξεκάθαρα πληρωμένος
Computer Science Student
Για γέλια, ξεκάθαρα πληρωμένος
Για μη κάτοικος Αθηνών, κάθε φορά που πάω, τρελαίνομαι με τη φασαρία
I wanna make a recommendation
Account statistics are 3x1 grid. May I recommend a 2d grid? The first 2 are on the top and the 3rd one is on the 2nd row, larger, so it can fit the stats better
I remember liking to “David Tennant does a podcast with”. I don’t remember any ads. Unfortunately it’s over now
That’s what I thought
Why do they do that?
They kinda need to work on the name
Πολύ κρίμα
Γνώμες; Δεν ασχολήθηκα καθόλου
Holy shit
Where 3
Μάλιστα, ενδιαφέρον άρθρο
Cuda gives the error I told you before, vulkan works once and then it also stops working. I didn’t try the CPU cause I thought it would be so slow and there is no point to it
Yeah but for some reason it raises an error :(
Unfortunately I’m getting this error :(
Όντως δεν τον ήξερα
I signed up for Twitter in 2020. After Elon took over, stuff changed for the worst day by day. The app is now horrible. I got tired of it so I deleted it