Haha I know. I love hardcore, and found out about them from googling my own gamer tag when I was like 17
That’s exactly what I came to say.
Great, kill pedophiles. But like, your friends that are pedophiles too. Your next birthday party is gonna be pretty fucking lonely.
They’re doing that because it works. That’s the sad part. The propaganda is low effort because that’s all it needs to be for westerners to believe it.
Hell yeah! This also works! It’s what I generally have to do to lose weight because I fucking love high calorie high carb foods. I also love jogging though so it evens out.
Seriously I think it’s possibly a psy-op to make the left weaker in North America. Or at least to make leftists seem weak. At any rate it’s working, look at what’s happening to our political landscape as a result.
Man I’m just so not interested in wasting anymore time with this stupidity. Believe what you want.
Well you shouldn’t go heavy on high fat foods either. Where did I say that you should?
Dude your anecdotal evidence from an anonymous account does not trump reality but go off buddy.
I thought you were replying to my other response, which simply stated that weight loss is mostly calories in vs calories out. High carb foods tend to have more calories. That’s all I’m saying here. You can eat carbs in moderation and live a healthy lifestyle and still lose weight. Like Jesus man, calm the fuck down hahaha
You’re putting an insane amount of words in my mouth here.
Is he though? I can’t think of any takes from him that I haven’t liked.
Dude thinks he’s Eisenhower when he literally helped hand it to these people AND bolstered the military industrial complex. Fucking clown.
High carb foods have more calories than low carb ones by a wide margin. Which is why it works. And if it works, it is not debunked.
Obviously metabolisms can affect things. Also anecdotal evidence on a platform where you post anonymously is less than worthless. It holds about as much weight as me telling you that when I switch to low carb while keeping my portion sizes the same I lose weight.
Lol how is food quality, moderation with meat portioning, and exercise not calories in vs calories out? Guaranteed Italian portions are lighter and their food has less calories per meal.
One of the top players is openly cheating. It’s against TOS.
Be a gigachad and nerf Elon Musks character into oblivion
Yeah seriously seeing how it’s destroyed a lot of anti Chinese propaganda makes me think you’re right. I get it though, it’s generally been used to promote anti North Korea sentiments in the west.