Wouldn’t they just use a VPN? I know they’re technically illegal in China but from what I’ve heard lots of people still use them regularly.
special interests enjoyer
Wouldn’t they just use a VPN? I know they’re technically illegal in China but from what I’ve heard lots of people still use them regularly.
So classic anti-communism then.
If you mean communists that support capitalist states like China, then yes, unfortunately. Better than being around nothing but liberals or anti-communists though.
You can but it won’t be respected. It will continue to default to their included Noto fonts despite whatever font you select. You can test this yourself. I’m sure they do it for some “privacy reason” but if I wanted that trade off I’d simply use the Tor Browser or one of those hardened firefox profiles.
Librewolf doesn’t respect your choice in system fonts if you uncheck “Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selections above”. I don’t use it for that reason.
I don’t think a federated wiki is solving any of the problems of wikipedia. You’ve just made a wiki that is more easily spammed and will have very few contributors. Yes, Wikipedia is centralized, but it’s a good thing. No one has to chase down the just perfect wikipedia site to find general information, just the one. The negative of wikipedia is more its sometimes questionable moderation and how its english-centric. This has more to do with fundamentally unequal internet infrastructure in most countries than anything though. Imperialism holds back tech.
I agree that it might be fine for niche wikis but again, why in the world would you ever want your niche wiki federated? Sounds like a tech solution looking for the wrong problem.
It’s really weird to see how almost infantalizing the Israeli minister is towards the ambassador. Like he’s correcting a child or something. I suppose when you’re commiting genocide you carry that attitude with you everywhere.
I hate that projects name themselves “fed” as that word is permanently associated with, well, feds.
“Welcome to the Fediverse, we got pigs of all kinds”
What is the general vibe on here towards actually existing socialism as well as the ideas towards reformism?
I can only speak for myself but so-called AES is just capitalism. It can be capitalism that is far far better than the U.S or other imperialist countries, but I’m not a communist that cheers for improvements to Capitalism. And what is there to speak of with “reformism”? It’s a dead end that doesn’t lead to Socialism and is the norm.
As an aside, both Lemmy.ml and Lemmygrad are largely full of what I’d called revisionists, meaning simply the refusal to acknowledge that Socialism has been defeated and supplanted by state capitalism where it once briefly existed. The actual communists (i.e they at least agree with Leninism) in imperialist countries are largely revisionists so it’s not surprising that’s what you see online among English speakers. However, Lemmygrad is a dogmatic echo chamber. If you want to hear nothing but pro-AES sentiment and walk on dogmatic egg shells, that’s the instance you want. Lemmy.ml is ran by good people (the developers) and seems to have decent moderators despite my political differences. I at least come across a variety of positions and whatnot.
The main thing that has prevented me from using Logseq is the general slugish or delayed feeling of the GUI. It’s not significant but enough that after using it for 2 months I swapped back to org-mode in Emacs. Even though I love org mode for general project planning, task management (gtd) and such, I have never found a comfortable workflow for actually writing non-code/non-markup in Emacs. The logseq experience of writing notes was immediately comfortable for me. Just wish it was fast.
Appreciate the clarification.
Not a great answer but I suspect this is Windows being crap. Lisp and windows have never been that great of an experience. Drakma works fine on my Fedora box.
Also, wrap your code in tick marks:
`(setf drakma:*header-stream* *standard-output*)`
(setf drakma:*header-stream* *standard-output*)
What a depressing view of “socialism” you have.