Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 1.13K Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2022


  • Safer as in more dirty fuel so it can’t really be turned into nuke bombs.

    I was trained on light water reactors so DU isn’t my forte.

    CANDU “Can do!” Haha funny 😄 the CAN part is all marketing. It’s witty and there’s pride in doing a technically advanced big boy country thing…(you all still have British royalty on your coins)

    DU is the type of reactor Deturium-oxide (Heavy water i.e. extra neutron) and Uranium as in “natural” Uranium vs highly enriched Uranium.

    In the end it operates similar to a traditional light water reactor. Radiation to heat up a primary to heat up a secondary to push turbines. Points of failure exist between each stage.

    The DU design was to bypass the enrichment costs with the benifet A Dr. Evil isn’t going to infiltrate a plant and steal the rods with a convoy of thugs to pack it into a working full scale bomb. Canada isn’t one to nuclear saber rattle anyways that’s what the US and UK are for. DU is a bit toxic to cells and microscopic creatures as they take in Heavy Water hydrogen with 2 neutrons and that disrupts their ability to reproduce / function, but humans can tolerate it somewhat and it is used in some medical applications. So if it evaporates it in itself isn’t too much a danger. An uncovered melted down reactor.

    You can still dirty bomb if you strike it or if it blows up. Same risks to meltdown and exclusion zones and become a corium mass like Fukushima.
