GalaxyBrain [they/them]

  • 143 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2020


  • I cam recall being so vehemently against the war on terror that my pre teen self broke down in tears about it on I think 3 or 4 different occasions. War being declared on Iraq and seeing the initial bombings on TV at my grandma’s house after listening in on the way there whether it would happen being on an hour long road trip grandma’s house between knowing the war was on and the first strikes occurring just in that time and the size of the explosions, they’d flatten the entire town we just got to, grandma and grandpa wouldn’t stand a chance and this machine of devastating capacity to kll that I’d just seen weirded on live TV by the Bush administration that I saw steal an election with no opposition and the target Afghanistan who I knew had nothing o to with the attack at age 10 cause we had a solid 2 weeks where the news was blaming the saudis until Afghanistan became it for whatever reason. By the time Iraq came around a couple year later and probably aided by being Canadian and us doing he bare minimum to not seem French, which had to mean we needed to appease America more than the French and stuff got me where I am. I was gonna say too bad it took so many deaths to get me there, but that’s kinda crap, if capitalism wasn’t a death machine it wouldn’t be a problem.

  • Some kids parents could pay to get in and then there was a limited amount of spots in the program for those who would stand in line for it first come first serve after and if I had to guess the stand in line people vs the fee paid people were 1/3 to 1/4 and also even the non language stuff we did was harder, like we did math in a second language and then when I could compare assignments later with English kids, even the math qe were doing was 2 years ahead of the regular curriculum. So in addition. To most kids parents paying to get in, you’re secretly doing AP course in a language you’re learning at the same time do the dropout rate to standard English school was super high. By graduation I was easily the poorest kid in the program and my parents had a 1 floor and finished basement bungalow going on. First day of school they had us draw our house and I was the only one who drew and apartment in my class (school wise. Clearly not Marx wise)

  • I am currently playing guitar to clash songs and pretending in the band as I have forever. The Clash are sooooooooo amazing. London Calling seems to be the alway #3 best album by mainstream press behind Sgt pepper and pet sounds, London Calling crushes both so hard. I absolutely totally guarantee whatever your tastes are you’ll love this album. Also The Card Cheat is a super underrated song. Also taught me I could use my own local access and terminology for Ska and reggae kinda stuff and not appropriate aave and instead use the working class accent and verbiage from where I am. I had a hard time covering British punk bands cause they rhymed often in a way that required a cockney accent, until I tried it in a fine east coast Canadian accent

  • Before the Maga goes away, I got into digimon at the start of the first fox kids airing of adventure 01, it aired in the summer before I went into 2nd grade, fox kids aired an ad all summer that was Gabbo style where it just spelled digimon letter by letter over a cool series of backgrounds, the D was really round so we all thought it was called Ogimon. Pokémon had just gotten out there hard and was the Beatles for millennials, Digimon was the Rolling Stones. I didn’t enjoy watching Pokémon but literally if you weren’t on top.of the Pokémon anime you would get called gay and beaten up and have your Pokémon cards taken, I got into Pokémon due to social obligation. Digimon’s first few episodes aired in late August so when the school year started in Canada usually like a day before labor day and kids get like 2 days of school before a 3 day weekend so the routine cha ge doesn’t sink in until a week later and you have these 2 days at school where you do nothing before 3 more days of summer. Anyway, that meant going into grade 2, we had seen up to.and including the first appearance of devimon and lemme tell ya,.we were HYPE! Pokémon was the standard but the realheads of 1999 2nd grade were about digimon, we were like the Velvet Underground of monster fight Japanimation. I got REALLY better at drawing when I switched from drawing Pokémon to Digimon, I was a poor kid in Canada French immersion, a program that is either paid to get into or a limited amount get in if they wait in line, I was one of 2 wait in line white kids and cause of that rich kid majority a lot of the not white wait in line kids switched to English long before. I cannot overstate how much digimon made me class conscious. Poorer kids were digimon kids and the rich pricks were Pokémon normies. Throdigimon we got a kids show that genuinely reflected and respected us. Children of divorced parents. Adopted kids,inoeiti,especially kids, kids marginalized for whatever reason, you all get together and adventures your way through a brave new digital world. And that’s how the internet felt at the time. I became a legend in grade 2 for drawing digimon that would appear later on cause I read fansites and saw screenshots of the Japanese version before it aired here. I’m losing my train of thought, but digimon fucking rocks

  • Holy shit, me in the Bush era. I wasn’t THIS good at it at the time, that was high school ish. Canadian but I recall being shown a documentary in the 9th grade that was clearly propaganda attempting to justify our military presence in Afghanistan simply by pointing out everything wrong with the Taliban (which kept autocorrecting on my phone to Italian and it made me laugh)which was of course bad but my family has collected national geographic magazine since they were first published and I was reading em and was aware of the Soviet Afghan war and the mujahadeen already and my folks kinda they were the same guys and holy fuck did I get yelled at for pointing it out. Also this post reminded me that collection has been sitting at my grandma’s house, he’s been dead for 5 years and she’s not reading em, gives me an excuse to visit my grandma and I get literally every national geographic until like 2004

  • The cast, at least aside from Robert Beltran after he got fed up with the bullshit, are the ones who managed through great effort and adversity and fantastic chops to raise voyager from a bad show to a mediocre one. And that’s nothing at all against them, it’s just even they couldn’t turn the trash writing and production interference ruining an easy slam dunk concept, I’ve got a lot of problems with voyager and not a single one had to do with the cast. They’re absolutely fantastic and deserved a better show. I think Voyager is my least favorite trek because it had SOOOO much potential that you can see so easily if only they took the core concept seriously and didn’t try to make TNG 2 out of it. I think with how the behind the scenes were at the time, voyager was sacrificed on the altar of Rick Berman, Paramount and UPN so that we could reap the amazing harvest of DS9, if Berman and the suits weren’t so busy ruining voyager so badly they may have split their time between the two more evenly and made them both mid. They could have both been amazing under different circumstances of course, Voyager had a compelling multi season arc that could last them 7 seasons and demanded continuity and stakes built into the concept, they’re in weird space and gotta get home, make that felt at all in every episode, even if just a bit and even then on an episode by episode level the plot more often than not suffers from.the same problem as the overall series, they take an interesting idea and make it boring. For Janeway, the big issue for me is the only woman in the writer’s room most of the time was Jeri Taylor who was also a showrunner and was understandably concerned with depicting Janeway as the first female captain as good as possible, especially at the time when a good few trek fans were literally the worst kinds of nerds, comic book guy and also horny, so the misogyny was real but it did mean there was a bit of a need to make Janeway an always right girl boss even when the sloppy writing made her do awful, awful things. If she was a bit more flexible regarding star fleet code in the delta quadrant but in a consistent way instead of being totally by the books one episode and killing Tuvix or helping the Borg in another or just the finale, the extreme inconsistency combined with the constant framing of her as good and correct makes me think of Janeway as Space Hilldawg. Kate Mulgrew crushed whatever she was given, but she was written so so wildly inconsistent where she’s at one extreme or the other depeind on the needs of that episode. This applies to everyone else to some extent, I think her and Tom Paris are the strongest examples except with Tom he becomes the greatest member of starfleet ever gradually cause they keep tacking more and more skills onto him as the plot demands.

  • Sounds fake af I’m not bothering to look into this beyond what I already know about kitties and bunbuns (more than most, less than anyone who’s formally studied either), but for bunnies…I could give it a maybe, they do sorta kinda operate how chuds think wolves do but generally that is expressed by other male rabbits giving distance to the biggest strongest guy but there isn’t really much competition regarding mating since there’s usually a decent a mount more females than males in a warren things don’t get too hostile, but the dominant rabbit is not getting groomed unless by a female rabbit in the wild. Cats are solitary animals and don’t groom each other outside of a family unit and even then it’s generally the mom doing so to kids. Domestic cats and rabbits may exhibit some kind of behavior like that but you can’t really say it’s a species wide trait in reaction to the conditions of domestication without doing a pretty big study that would also need to account for the myriad different ways different households let alone cultures from some point in the past to present as well as worldwide for cats to figure out if there’s any legs to this at all and it seems pretty dubious on it’s face, I doubt anyone did this research.