Goblin [any]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 7th, 2021


  • Privileged email job haver but I fucking hate this new person I have to collaborate with. Their emails are fucking drivel.

    They phrase sentences with like half a thought, period. Or they vaguely say something needs to be done but it’s unclear if they are going to handle it or expect someone else to? My favorite is when they use correct lingo but don’t understand the process, so you get a sentence from glace that looks valid but is totally built around misconceptions.

    Every time I get a new email I got to waste 15 mins deciphering wtf they’re talking about. Sadly this shits pretty common.

    A lot of people talk about how everyone’s reading comprehension is ass but not enough people talk about how everyone’s ass at writing.
