Horizon is great but so many puzzles are just this
Horizon is great but so many puzzles are just this
Isn’t that profile photo the funny bald Omegle man
Monero? Also, it just appears to be a coin with good intentions.
Nutmeg is psychoactive beyond normal serving sizes. It is a deliriant. Note that it is also toxic at these levels. Question; Does delirium sound enjoyable? If you’re in your right mind, the answer should be “absolutely not”.
With that being said, I’d like to see hell before I’m actually there. May as well. I’d do it just before death, so the wretchedness ends early.
That’s after trying every drug that’d otherwise be too risky for the long run.
Mind immediately went here. By the way, I’ve seen the building!
I can offer options, but I’d prefer express permission to do so.
Crypto that does not do that
Nope, I’m employed.
Crypto. It’s called crypto.
Not that I know of
Doesn’t the nicotine dissolve into the water?
Those are actually the best batteries
Straws are for iced drinks and some desserts. I need one often, either so I can have a milkshake, or I can drink an iced beverage without the ice slipping into my mouth.