I expect the games that won’t be supported would be the ones that use extra hardware, like Labo or Ring Fit, since the controllers are sized differently.
I expect the games that won’t be supported would be the ones that use extra hardware, like Labo or Ring Fit, since the controllers are sized differently.
Honestly, after hearing and seeing all the leaks, I started to tune them out until there was something official. This has been a nice little official confirmation.
RICH pregnant black women.
Another commenter elsewhere mentioned that things like Labo or Ring Fit won’t (likely) work because of the different sized controllers. I would be surprised if other games that don’t use special extra hardware work just fine.
I do believe there are replacement sticks available nowadays that should mostly eliminate drift.
Yeah, I found them. They’re made by a company called Gulikit. I know the joycons are faulty little things, but I will hand it to nintendo that they’re the easiest controllers to work on currently. No soldering needed to replace the sticks.
It’s sadly been like this for a while now. If you listen to one politician (whose name escapes me but would often do “one-on-one” YouTube videos of what was happening as an elected official) he says that most of these outbursts are performances put on when they are filmed for the public. When the sessions are closed they are much less “animated”. I’m going to see if I could find the video.
I’m sorry. A quick search was unable to yield anything for me. Perhaps someone else had his name.
How will the Onion be able to make believable, funny, but fake stories that sound real enough to warrant a click anymore? We’ve been at this point for a while where the truth is about as funny as whatever the writers there could come up with.
Coworker was watching Fox Entertainment and I saw this mentioned. Getting all upset that she wasn’t going. Remind me again, but didn’t Donny skip out on Biden’s inauguration?
Reminds me of the idiot cop who shot a man with her service weapon while shouting 'Taser!".
I haven’t decided how I’m going to celebrate, but a celebration will be had. I’m hoping to hear fireworks for a week after it happens.
I went to my first date with my now wife wearing these. She thought the prints in the snow were hilarious. Been married for over 10 years now.
It looks like it has a hole in the suit for just the occasion. I can see a dog not wanting to go with it on regardless, however
How about the first episode of Black Mirror?
Canada! Fuck yeah!
Curse of the Dead Gods. It’s more akin to Dead Cells as it’s a roguelike. Multiple weapon choices, stamina system, it’s not one I hear about often.
Need to swap Batman with Luigi Mario.
Leo has a thing about dating women of a certain age IRL. To a hilarious degree. Nearly every one of his openly admitted girlfriends were dropped at the same age, where shortly after, he would find a younger woman to date and start the cycle anew.
At best. At worst? I’m not qualified to make an assertion.
I finally got into my Steam Deck this last year. Being able to take nearly every game made out and about, not just PC games, has been a great experience. It doesn’t matter to me as much that I can’t play at 4k and 300+ FPS.