I meant to write “he’s nuts”. Sorry for the typo, fixed it.
I meant to write “he’s nuts”. Sorry for the typo, fixed it.
Like how Stephen Colbert setup his own SuperPac on air, showing how many ridiculous and unethical things are legal with US’ current campaign finance laws.
He’s nuts, alright. Let’s hope the USA has enough checks and balances, and some sane people left, to avoid the worse.
“Everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land.”
This would be comical if it weren’t so inhumane. “Everybody” is the last person he’s spoken to, ie Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Forced displacement of Gaza’s population would likely be a violation of international law […]
Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, the former Israeli defence minister, have been issued arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court for alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Would the ICC investigate Trump as well if he take action and tries to take over Gaza?
What’s worse: Voting for Trump and wanting this to happen? Or being shocked, realising only now what Trump’s plans are?
Most VPNs are overrated.
human staffers and AI-powered algorithms prevented 2.36 million “policy-violating apps” from appearing on Google Play in 2024
I wouldn’t assume it’s 100% malware. A portion, hopefully a small one, are legitimate apps that faced automated rejection with automatically generated reply citing a vague “policy-violation”. A few open-source apps wrote on their blog they gave up uploading to Google Play because of its disfunctional moderation. Some even gave up developing their app.
For instance, see https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android/issues/2064
Small government regulating pronouns in worker’s email signatures.
Regulations For Thee but Not for Me
C’est vrai qu’on peut trouver quelques armoires dans la rue pour le réseau cuivre. Pourtant les armoires fibre souffrent beaucoup plus de problèmes.
Je me demande si c’est dû à un échec de la sous-traitance, la fragilité du raccordement fibre, la façon dont la répartition est faite pour la fibre.
Vu comment c’est géré, pas certain qu’on gagne beaucoup en fiabilité ou robustesse avec la fibre.
Le raccordement DSL passe par un DSLAM du quartier/village, une pièce avec un minimum de contrôle d’accès.
Le raccordement fibre se fait dans des armoires éparpillés dans les rues, parking, sous-sol de résidences. Les armoires n’ont pas de contrôle d’accès hormis une clef triangle. Elles sont souvent mal/pas fermées, et les sous-sous-traitant foutent un bordel pas possible lorsqu’il raccordent. Elles sont vulnérables face au vandalisme.
The cage and background suggest this may be an animal shop, which often rely on mass producing pets for profit.
If you’re looking for a pet, please get a rescue kitten/puppy, for instance from an animal sanctuary.
This alone doen’t make you a Nazi, but that’s still a terrible course of action.
A wise man once said…
Calling out Musk and his actions, and avoiding the company that he owns and control, are the least one can do given all the trouble he’s causing, or trying to cause.
Several companies sell electric vehicles, and unlike Tesla, most aren’t owned by a Nazi (sympathiser).
That’s possible.
Also, AC could probably prevent all heat-related death. But using AC in all buildings on earth, all the time, is not a viable option.
It’s hard to compare with Finland and Sweden. They don’t face the same combinaison of climate and high-speed wind events which LA is suffering from.
Also, we affect the climate. So we can and should reduce our impact on climate AND do better fire prevention.
Fire prevention alone isn’t going to avoid large scale fires if the climate keep worsening like that.
News article on this topic : LA fires were larger and more intense because of planet-warming pollution, study suggests
Original source : Climate Change A Factor In Unprecedented LA Fires, Gavin Madakumbura et all, UCLA
denying rights to half the population contradicts Islamic law
Uno Reverse Card?
Harder, Better, Greener, Smaller
Meanwhile in the EU: TikTok, five other Chinese firms hit by EU privacy complaints
clinging for dear life
The proper way to uninstall Edge is to uninstall Windows.