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Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • IamSparticles@lemmy.ziptocats@lemmy.worldTouch the Tummy
    3 days ago

    Same. We adopted a boy in August that is the most chill, patient, and friendly cat I’ve ever shared a house with. I mean, I’ve had friendly cats before, but they’re usually still pretty aloof. This boy just always wants to be where the people are, soaking up attention like a sponge. He is the stark opposite of his big sister, who will flee at the slightest unexpected noise or movement and has been known to claw and bite people who try to pet her without an explicit invitation.

  • From the AP version of the story:

    Under Connecticut law, voters using a collection box must drop off their completed ballots themselves, or designate certain family members, police, local election officials or a caregiver to do it for them. Clark wrote in his decision that the volume of “mishandled ballots” left the court unable to determine the legitimate result of the primary.

    It’s a state law that they aren’t supposed to drop off someone else’s ballot except under very specific circumstances. It’s a dumb law that makes it more difficult for people to vote if they can’t easily get to a polling place or a ballot drop off. But it’s the law so, charge and prosecute them, and redo the election I guess. But hopefully the people of CT will work to change the voting laws.

  • Public employees can not take campaign funds directly, so if a teacher wanted to run for local office, it’s a campaign finance violation for them to accept money directly.

    I don’t think that’s right. The main issue that PACs address is individual limits on campaign contributions. You, as an individual, can only legally give a candidate $X towards their campaign. X varies depending on the race. But you can give as much as you want to a PAC. They just have to disclose your name if you give more than $10K in a calendar year. The thing is, the FEC act used to make it illegal for a PAC to directly campaign for or against a federal candidate. The Citizens United decision overturned that clause and opened the doors to unlimited campaign contributions. Candidates aren’t supposed to coordinate with a PAC, but there’s a lot of nodding and winking going on.

  • There is no Buldak flavor that isn’t spicy. They all start with the same “hot chicken” base flavoring, then have additional flavorings added. The 2x and 3x varieties just have more capsaicin in the base. Like, a LOT more. I bought a 4 pack of 2x by mistake (thought it was original) and had to force myself to finish a bowl. It was painful. The regular spicy versions I would consider to be about the equivalent of a bowl of ramen with a few dashes of a relatively spicy hot sauce. Tasty and not unpleasant for me at all. But everyone’s tolerance levels are different.