Joe Biden’s mistake was appointing Meritless Gutless Garland. Biden isn’t to blame for any more than that. Garland is the man who should be remembering in infamy.
Joe Biden’s mistake was appointing Meritless Gutless Garland. Biden isn’t to blame for any more than that. Garland is the man who should be remembering in infamy.
Good Sweet Baby Jesus! This is a real thing???
To me, Durian tastes like onion ice cream. Yummy!
Unexpectedly??? WT actual F???
The Blame on the Dems is that they NEVER pushed their use of their power to anywhere near the limits. Pure, unadulterated cowardice.
Obama wasn’t POTUS until 2009.
Putin is getting such great value from Trump. It’s clearly the best deal ever.
Can they come here and do it here too?
Once Reddit went corporate this was inevitable. I am proudly perma-banned from that shithole.
Strange, because it’s EXACTLY what they signed up for.
There are definitely Chinese people who are not in the CCP. And who risk their lives opposing them.
Our friend’s ferrets got all but one chipmunck. We had to borrow another friend’s cat to get that last one
Chipmunks gnawed through our basement casement windows and wrecked holy hell on our house. They can’t easily be trapped. I got them out by borrowing ferrets from one friend and the last one out by borrowing another friend’s house cat.
What a dope. It’s a mystery to me Why anyone would GAF about what a dope like this guy thinks
Those things only are allowed because without them, a worker revolt would have obliterated those favoring under regulated Capitalistism.
The CCP long term vision isn’t for China and Chinese citizens, it is entirely for the CCP.
FWIW, I HATE the CCP. Though they do keep China from being all it could be which could be bad for other countries.
So, you are saying doing it covertly is better?
In this particular post. Remember, propaganda has to include some truth or it won’t work very well. That post is true. Whereas one would be pretty stupid to trust as true most of what the CCP-controlled media says.
We’ll be lucky if polio is all that is back. My bet is pandemic bird-flu about as bad as the 1918 pandemic.