Any lawyer, law firm employee, private investigator, insurance adjuster, or credit industry can get it easily. I operate under the same presumption.
Any lawyer, law firm employee, private investigator, insurance adjuster, or credit industry can get it easily. I operate under the same presumption.
Memes be like that sometimes.
I had a dream that he was at one of those low budget fundraisers where they serve ziti and chicken marsala, and he was seated across from me, and I got to yell at him. It was so satisfying.
My father was a Carlin fan, I would take his albums and started reading his books when I was maybe 14. It was a part of my education that I wish every American shared. We’d be much better off. Al Franken’s books, too.
It’s intentional. They want America to be like Russia. And to do it they’re willing to harm the country.
Half the country is functionally illiterate.
By stupid people.
People who think Trump is qualified are stupid. Zero dispute.
Wonder what Putin has on him.
It goes through rounds of lawyers and actuaries long before an insurer changes coverage policies. It’s absolute fantasy to think they threw this change together practically overnight.
I remember reading that it was coming before Luigi, but like the person you’re replying to, I can’t find it after the enshitification of web sesrching. It’s buried behind a billion articles about Luigi.
You have to have a good education to realize how fucked we are.
I listened to a clip a minute ago on the radio of dumbass Trump and his dumbass supporters from the show he made on inauguration day, signing orders, and the one withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord stuck out to me. “Could you imagine Biden doing this?” Raucous applause. “This is going to save $1,000,000,000,000.” Raucous applause.
No, I could not imagine Biden doing it, because it’s fucking idiotic. The world is burning. The air is turning to poison. Only cutting greenhouse emissions in half will provide any hope of anything resembling social stability over the next several decades and the only way to do that is to reign in the dozens of corporate poluters who are responsible for such desolation. It will save a trillion dollars for corporations, which savings they will absolutely not pass on to Trump’s gullible, stupid supporters, but in fact they will use to live lifestyles marked by even more greenhouse emissions, yachts and air travel. Even the capitalists who are self aware enough to see what’s coming will use their savings to build lavish prepper bunkers and hoard medical technology. When shit hits the fan, and MAGA rubes are chanting “let us in” outside the bunker while wild fires close in, maybe as they suffocate and burn to death they will realize they should have done more.
One good looking kid with an education going into politics isn’t going to overcome the power structures that have these donkeys cheering wildly for the missteps towards their own demise. You have to have the education to know that we are past that. Their kids will be dying of small pox, and they’ll still be blaming their grief and anger on the woke left and diversity, equality, and inclusiveness, on immigrants and the unhoused. The oligarchs own the government and the media. Only the people at large can depose them, one by one. We have all these mass shooters looking for infamy, maybe after Luigi they will see they can get actual fame, adoration, if they choose a culpable target instead of rooms full of innocent kids.
I think that’s what Luigi’s supporters are saying.
Someone else asked for this too and I’m really having a hard time coming up with anything.
Same as it went for HDDVD, Laserdisc, and BetaMax.
The anti-porn conservatives have always been about controlling women.
That woman who founded OnlyFans driving around in 10 different Lamborghinis, that’s their worst fucking nightmare.
Before that, it was that one lady whose husband died and then she discovered massive oil reserves under her land.
That kind of stuff is an existential threat to the patriarchy, which conservative control freaks must preserve at any cost.
They cannot allow women to become self-sufficient and thereby self-determinative. Otherwise, who will take care of the men, and raise the men’s babies?
Yeah I said when we say it, nobody is trying to remove the metal detectors from around the Capitol building and stockpiling guns in nearby hotel rooms, placing pipe bombs in the streets. Nope, that’s just Republicans. And that’s why they have their motto “we are all domestic terrorists.”
They have always wanted to break the government. They are okay with what’s happening, they knew it was going to happen, and they wanted to continue.
Here’s some further reading in the problem I was describing.
I can almost picture the classroom I was sitting when I first learned about the study and having the exact same reaction you did.
Part of the study controlled for that, in the context of practical limitations. They divided the city into sectors and absolutely flooded certain sectors with cops while doing minimal patrols in the others, or in some cases none at all. The crime just moved in the opposite way. When the police presence increased in one sector, the crime rate went down there, but went up in the others. And then when they switch the sectors, the crime switched back. So practically speaking, cities and towns would have to be able to sustain that high level of policing, which hardly anyone wants. I see towns get into it over a budget allocation to hire one additional officer, let alone the number they would need to sustain to keep up the sort of levels needed to push crime out everywhere. And maybe some places would be able to do it, but the crime would just push to other areas, foisting the problem onto other communities. Further, I think there’s very little appetite in America to actually put a police officer on every corner. Nobody would like living in that world.
Google disabled reports and editing for it.