Yeah I agree with this sentiment. Rather than seek understanding and openness, we should always strive to eliminate those who disagree with us, and never seek to progress our collective understandings especially through peaceful means. If you think about it, attempting conversion of another is immoral because it is an enforcement of your personal morality onto others. Therefore elimination and silence is the only just and good approach. Temporary peace among disagreeing parties is permissable, so long as it leads to the destruction, ostracization, or total exile of another group.
Drake acting like that kid in school that gets hurt one time in dodgeball and cries so hard he gets dodgeball banned for everyone district wide. If diss tracks become legally defined as defamation rap is dead forever.
some random twitch streamer is worse than any person I’ve ever heard of. Wow what’d they do! It’s some video game leaderboard bullshit drama about Musk.
Lol fuckin quality journalism vice. Must be a really eventful news day.
Imagine if people took these teachings to heart, and then built their whole moral philosophy on it in a religious way.
People who seek first to run away to greener pastures rather than try and maintain their own are the true scourges of society.
Public infrastructure and taxes. Internet is handled by or function in a similar way to local libraries. Social media is replaced by locally run forums that use some kind of federated protocol for national connectivity potential. 99% of people don’t need global internet, private ISPs still exist but less people need global high speed connections so mostly businesses and important shit that needs to be off the public connections.
Assumed identity, writing on behalf of others. Manipulative leading suggestion, no true Scotsman type of statement.
Great article. Lots of care put into writing this one. Really nice to know that quality rhetoric like this is being written so that others can approach these issues seriously. Reading this was like Drano for the Brain-O, my thoughts have never been so smooth lmao xD!!
In theory. In reality it’s not on or off it’s always on and it’s high vs low voltage.
“Man who exploded Tesla Cybertruck listened to music such as rock and roll on occasions.”
Fuck yeah. We are journalisming so hard rn. Gimme that hard hitting unbiased perspective baby. Anyone got some more headlines?
Yawn been there, done that. Let’s set our sights to the future of America, not on assimilating the losers.
Damn. Boomer politicians scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard now we’re stealing from China’s playbook? “It’s not Cuba, it’s American Taipei.”
Waaahhhh I made a bad financial decision and no one wants to bail me out at a 20% loss.
Lol. Lmao even.
When people act like children, treat them as such. Patronize them and berate them while explaining how computers work on the most fundamental level. If they have the gall to talk back and insist they are not a child, then leave them high and dry to deal with their issues. Ideally you leave the fix halfway finished when this happens.
If they get mad continue telling them that they’re stupid for not learning how to use a machine a 10 year old child can use and do not treat them like adults until they begin to act like them.
Oh. More reasons to avoid the scourge that is Temu.
You have identified a gap in the news information market. Be the change you want to see instead of asking random people on the internet if they agree with you, lest they steal your initiative.
Got it. Understood. Any and all Amazon representatives will continue to function after being shot.
Set? Office Space? OH! So he’s going to reenact the movie !