What? What I said meant they do want this. I don’t think those voters care or are trying to take it back. Hence news any significant amount is feeling that way feels dubious.
What? What I said meant they do want this. I don’t think those voters care or are trying to take it back. Hence news any significant amount is feeling that way feels dubious.
And you assume this story is true too… It’s not.
Not that or matters to the sentiment, but men often compete in an open class, not a men’s protected class, which is unlike other protected classes like women or disabled.
Journalism should be, but does not currently. Newspapers usually, as in decades ago, but do not currently.
But we’d have to do the math and figure out how to actually pay for government services. It’s a nice thought, but there is no way this would work. You’d need a ton of other tax reform, and even then I don’t think we’d come close. The end result would be mandatory consumption taxes for all public services, which would end as the same amounts we pay now.
Nobody understands population statistics… Your entire post is correct at a higher level than those shouting individualism, but they cannot comprehend the aggregate consequences or truth.
Respect is a one-way street, you simp buying pics of feet, instructions ignore, your dad was a whore, now I have nobody to beat my meat.
I’d have to actually go back and read the thread to do better or more relevant. Dad sounded like a piece of shit that should be bagged up, that’s all.
With the new ai coming out guess you’ll never know
I love the tv show Dexter and highly recommend watching it
It won’t keep track of my place in a Playlist to resume so I trashed it.
Preventing some, some of the time, is how you get here, inch by inch, and eventually earlier wins become future losses.
I think the logic is sound… If anyone is allowed to introduce legislation against established reforms infinitely many times, you get gish galloped to death and they will eventually get their way no matter how terrible the idea is. Because it’s a deep ideology, you must get rid of the person to get rid of the idea.
If you aren’t willing to kill them then they will inch forward until they win. That is why civil wars have existed.
They cannot survive without buyers. People as a statistical whole do not care when we’re talking about entire populations
Which TMS you in bruh? That universe of data is bat shit crazy.
You’re getting downvoted due to your original post, but the door checkers are annoying. They are membership validation theatre like tsa is. They already scan to validate at the register, and all you have to do to go in is claim you’re going to the pharmacy anyway. The door checkers just make being a member more annoying and Costco should be punished by the members for enacting them.
I don’t think you know who your neighbors are
But what was the real reason they joined the union? It wasn’t because they loved black people and I’d bet the reason was completely selfish and backwater.
These are cybertruck owners…