Lenins_Cat_Reincarnated [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024


  • I think your experience is pretty unique on that front which makes it difficult to communicate when there might not not really a ‘label’ that perfectly describes it. Tbh genderfluid and binary trans women both seem like they could describe part of your identity so I don’t really see why you wouldn’t be able to use both. The genderfluid part kind of explains why your genderidentity could change like that in the past and the binary trans woman part describes how you currently identify and live your life.

    It’s also possible that you were always transfemme, is it possible that you had very repressed feelings about your gender before you transitioned?

    When I found out I was trans it kind of felt like I woke up from a dream because it was the first time that I really had some sense of my own identity. Before that I only looked at myself from a very material perspective never thought about if my body felt like it belonged to me or what I would like to look like. When I look back though I can pinpoint some moments where I felt really disconnected from my body but wasn’t able to identify that feeling yet.

    Trauma makes everything difficult though in my experience because its effects contaminate most of your memories, thoughts and feelings which makes it difficult for me at least to understand when a feeling is caused by trauma and when it is related to being trans or something else.