As the others have pointed out, the biggest reason is ease of installation. I hung this by myself and I’m not sure how you would do it solo using another method.
As the others have pointed out, the biggest reason is ease of installation. I hung this by myself and I’m not sure how you would do it solo using another method.
Camera is next on my list! Now the only times I really check my printer is to make sure the first few layers went down alright. Once I can do that from my computer I will be unstoppable!
I know a lot of people online talk about running them in garages and basements all the time. Hell one guy in Canada said he ran one out in a shed. So while I can’t share any hard numbers I think you would be fine.
I totally get that, if you are worried about over or under ventilating I’d just figure out how what the total volume of your enclosure is and then compare that to the CFM of your exhaust fan and it will give you an idea of how many air changes you get in a minute.
I have read that that is recommended but I don’t even know where to begin with that tbh. I just got this thing on wifi a couple weeks ago and printing from Fluidd along with switching to Orca Slicer have been game changers.
I don’t have any build pics for you unfortunately. I would really recommend using at least 1/2 inch plywood for this kind of build though. I went 3/4 because I was worried 1/2 inch would vibrate too much. The enclosure needs to have more mass than the printer to reduce the risk of vibrations effecting print quality. Plus I’m not even sure what kind of fasteners you’d be able to use to secure 1/4 inch plywood that would hold the weight of a paver and printer.
I made mine with pocket holes and glue. Disclaimer though, I am a carpenter. I’d say this a pretty good starter project if you want to get on YouTube and learn. This is basically a cabinet carcass mounted on the wall with French cleats to give you some terms to research. Good luck! Just holler at me if you have any questions.
Not at all! The highest it has gotten in there is about 119° F while marathon printing some PETG. PLA has never made it break 90 in there though.
Like other folks are saying, a good carbon filter should do you right. My enclosure is mounted on an exterior wall so Im currently thinking long term that I’m going to try to vent mine out through the soffit.
Thanks! I knew it would drive me crazy if I didn’t.
PLA and PETG. I would like to get into printing ABS but I want to rig it up to exhaust outside first.
That sheen don’t just happen, looks great OP!
Fuck yeah you can! Excellent work, friend.
Hell yeah, science!
To see if she notices.
Just spit balling here. Maybe put your sensor in a ziplock or vacuum seal it and then put that inside your 3D printed box that way you get all the security without the jank look.
Thanks! For some reason they wanted to write an article about this and then… Just not include the photo.
Thank you!
The lighter wood is walnut sapwood, often called blonde walnut. I also love the color.
Lol I’ve heard that before but I always try to encourage people to use them anyway. Things of beauty still yearn for purpose afterall.
Nailed it! I had every intention of screwing the carcass directly to the cleat but the enclosure made of one and a half sheets of 3/4 ply so it was very heavy and didn’t budge even before I added the paver and the printer so I just never ended up doing it. 🤷♂️