Inside Netanyahu’s head more like
Inside Netanyahu’s head more like
Nazi Israel feeling left out.
Not just oligarchs, good old fashioned colonial thieves.
Any second now, Israel will withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza in compliance with the ICJ ruling deadline of September 2025.
A plane will also shortly be landing in The Hague where Israeli police will hand the suspected war criminals Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant over to Dutch authorities pursuant to the ICC arrest warrant.
One of the handful of times the Zionists haven’t lied is when they say international law doesn’t matter.
Doesn’t matter who the President is.
America is a bloodthirsty empire that steals the resources, freedoms and conspires against oppressed people.
Trump is just saying the quiet part loud. The Democrats aren’t any different. The last 15 months of genocide proves this.
Americans need to face facts, your country is a bloodthirsty empire that steals the resources, freedoms and conspires against oppressed people.
I will believe that when I see it.
The Hashemites have always been cucks of the Brits and Americans.
People just don’t want to accept that Trump is the true face of the US. It doesn’t matter who is in charge. They are a racist bloodthirsty empire that steals the resources and freedoms of oppressed people. Its been this way for decades
Germany would happily dig up the old blueprints
The BBC has been complicit in the last 16 months of genocide and for good reason.
Robbie Gibb, who is on the BBC’s Board of Trustees, is also Editor of the Jewish Chronicle, a fanatically Zionist rag whose funding is hidden but suspected to be tied to the Israeli embassy.
Raffi Berg, BBC News online editor, is a former state department employee, fan of Netanyahu and has been described by one journalists as "This guy’s entire job is to water down everything that’s too critical of Israel”
More here:
Elite privilege is very much in play I’m afraid.
That AI generated abomination looks like he’s seen some shit.
I can’t wait for them to bring in ex CIA/IDF types to “clamp down on disinformation”.
Nothing to do with punishing them for pursuing genocide charges against Israel I suppose.
Fuck isntreal and their American sponsors
The Tomato King is a Zionist puppet but green lighting ethnic cleansing, when most of the population are Palestinian refugees, will mean he goes the way of Mubarak.
This article nails it. Trump is exposing US hypocrisy and unilateralism like never before.
He is dispensing with the crocodile tears, backstabbing and fake bonhomie that masked the depravity, corruption and self interest. It is now on full display, warts and all.
60% of Canada’s exports go to the US.
Being a good father is the hardest job in the world for a man.
NYT doing their jobs of masking Israel’s involvement in this. Trump received huge funding from.Zio fanatics like Miriam Adelson. Every Zionist wishes to see Palestinians gone.
Trump as every US President before him, is simply bowing to their whims, albeit with worse PR.
Netanyahu already planned to ethnically cleanse Gaza as early as 2023
here’s an excerpt from the proposal