I thought instance admins had to approve any new created community. Allowing anyone to create a community without any supervision sounds dumb.
I thought instance admins had to approve any new created community. Allowing anyone to create a community without any supervision sounds dumb.
Not true. A self-coup is still a coup.
That is bullshit essentialism. Humans are not born greedy or evil.
In the past many people could also say that slavery, murder or rape were also in human nature. They are not.
10000 g’s of centigrugal acceleration for half an hour. I think that alone makes this project a dead end.
Yeah. That party is known for finding the dumbest solutions to problems.
A year ago they wanted to make an online passport to access porn.
Ah sorry, it has the same name so I though it was the original. Edit: these are pretty good recipes
The meme is exactly about how a lot of the recipes there are unreliable or plain bad and army declassified documents are a better source for this specific use.
Not true. They filled a lawsuit against Yuzu and Citra and the developers had to pay 2.4 million dollars to Nintendo. They probably threatened the Ryujinx dev to do the same.
Probably a single person bathroom, so the gender doesn’t matter anyway
There are also glass tupperwares and microwave safe metal tupperwares.
The red/orange residue is also left on those, mainly due to the lycopene not dissolving in water. But I’m with you in the no heating or cooking in plastic.
Gatekeep, girlboss, goon
True, but labor rotation is also common in anarchist communities
You are repeating false statements. There have been fully communist elected governments in Nepal, India, San Marino and probably more. In Spain we had a elected republican government run mainly by socialists and even an anarchist president.
The reason why most of them have been through a revolution is because they were declared illegal.
Suicide is a philosophical question and the answer depends on each one. Your answer only applies to you, as you can’t experience other’s realities.
There is no distinction. A socialist/communist party with a majority in a parliament forms a government, and there are examples of those elected. Even a lot of the authoritarian ones established in a revolution had a parliament with non communist parties having representatives.
There are many examples of elections won by socialist/communist parties. There would have been more of they weren’t outlawed or suppressed historically.
There are also examples of revolutions that didn’t end in authoritarian regimes, for example the ones that ended in anarchist communities.
Born in time to pirate gay stuff from the internet
Where are all those femboys? I want to meet them, for science of course
They haven’t banned conversion therapy either