He can’t even smile. I wonder if he’s ever laughed or been happy in his life.
He can’t even smile. I wonder if he’s ever laughed or been happy in his life.
Hopefully, the rest of the world will just go “Who are you? We already have that we need from these countries, so thanks, but no thanks” and the US will finally see that they fucked up royally.
This explains so much about a previous friend of mine!
Luigi would suffice. Quicker and cheaper.
What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?
Orange manbaby can’t read. Prove me wrong.
Stock market crash in 3… 2… 1…
It sounds better than monopoly. Image is everything.
Does it rhyme with filled? If so, I’m all for it.
Holy shit. I had no idea… https://editorsmanual.com/articles/capitalizing-headings/
English is my second language, not that it’s an excuse, but I will never complain about it again! Thank you for correcting me, and for having the patience to respond to an, if I can say so myself, idiotic question!!
Of course! Next up: Truth Social will be official communication devices from the White House, and all Americans must register to be able to work. You must log in with your SSN, and a proof of residence. Failure to do so will result is deprivation.
What do you think they’ll use all those abandoned shopping malls for? Gulags.
Ok, if that’s the case, can you tell me the rules of capitalization for titles?
I think ARPANET will have something like this once they got it working
What’s Bioshock Infinite Free? I hate sentences which Capitalises random Words I stand corrected.
The pink one.
My friends ex husband had to get circumcised when he was 18, because he didn’t clean underneath his foreskin 🤢🤮