• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I admit, I had to google some of the characters to refresh my memory of them (I think I’ve only seen 1 or 2 episodes of YGO 😅 I bought some of the cards as a kid but that was because they were so shiny and pretty :D). It’s a shame they felt they had to add more romantic subplot to make it more “interesting” --I always find it shallow when adaptations do that and it usually comes at the cost of character relationships.

    I suppose that’s part of the struggle of anime adaptations. The business seems so finicky. It’s tough for developers to figure out which arcs to include when they don’t have the guarantee of another season. So they end up cutting filler content, but then some plot points don’t make sense without it, and so they include filler–but now there’s less episodes for plot. Then the characters suffer, because some arcs take a while to develop, but they still have to justify an animator drawing them in, so they get shoddy characterization instead. I imagine it’s far easier to have characters return to status quo, like a sitcom. So they end up learning the same lessons all over again.

    Thanks for the write-up! It was interesting to read. Good luck on your project! :D

  • I would actually be interested in those paragraphs if you still have them :D It always fascinates me how much different certain stories are once translated and how sometimes you can’t get a full sense of the story because of cultural nuances.

    I only watch foreign movies or anime with subtitles now, but growing up, I actually started with dubbed over anime in my native language, Filipino. I am absolutely certain a lot of nuance was lost in the effort of translation, but at the same time, I can’t watch the anime I grew up with, subtitled XD

  • I mean, AI can be used to design a lot of robust yet efficient structures. In engineering and architecture, with enough data, AI can generate designs for buildings, and parts that are not only sturdy but can be built with less resources along with other design considerations. There’s a really cool nasa video where competitors are trying to 3D print structures for habitation in space.

    AI is also used in medicine to come up with new protein structures to create new medicine. It’s also used in environmental sciences, to help predict earthquakes or monitor land use, etc.

    There’s a lot of practical uses for AI.

  • For music I tend to use Spotify’s similar artists feature or have the Youtube rabbit hole take me somewhere new. Sometimes I’ll even find new music from other media; like if I’m reading a fanfic and the author posts the song they were listening to when they wrote it, sometimes I check those out.

    For books, it’s usually word of mouth, and for a games, a mix of that as well as reviews from people and a perusal through Steam Sales. I’m not too big on movies though, I just let my loved ones drag me into what they want to watch and they tend to have good taste. For TV shows, I let spontaneous mood choose for me.