I’m a filthy fucking socialist.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 anni fa
Cake day: 27 luglio 2023


  • Approximately half of the entire US population lives in large urban areas. 115,000,000 people. Large urban areas can benefit from higher density housing, as well as what I previously mentioned, and so much more.

    And the money is there.

    Yet, somehow, every time improvements using transit are suggested, every single fucking time, someone mentions the complexities of rural areas.

    Maybe let’s fucking start somewhere we know it could work, and then branch out.

    But can we fucking START‽

  • Imagine a world without the need for a car. There’s probably a train station that’s in walking distance. Maybe 10-15 minutes. More than that, possibly a quick bus to the corner of your street.

    In this world, the grocery store is also a 10-15 minute walk, possibly bear the station. Instead of loading up on $200 of groceries once a week, you buy a few pieces on your way to work and/or back home.

    There’s a nice public park, a library, and even a promenade somewhere also a short walk away. Various retail shops and service centers of all kinds (electronics, home and goods, hardware, appliances) could literally be your downstairs neighbors.

    Even if all of these aren’t exactly close to you or your train station, they can be a short bus or train ride away. You walk more, bike more. You have a backpack and side racks for the bike. Your health improves, and you interact more with the people of the area.

    Welcome to many cities of the world, even in the US.