Did she get her way?
My understanding was the diddler was removed from performing official business, is that not the case?
Did she get her way?
My understanding was the diddler was removed from performing official business, is that not the case?
So, you don’t know Python at all AND you don’t know Bash, but you feel compelled to talk about how one is so much better than the other?
I have plenty of experience with Bash, hence why I was eager to question the implication that bash was less complicated than other solutions.
You’re correct that I don’t know python, but I do have plenty of familiarity with PHP, JS, C#, and Rust. From my experience with those languages I guessed that python probably has similar libraries for making API calls.
Thanks for providing the actual examples. Looking at them I’m curious if you still think I’m wrong?
In my opinion the bash is much more difficult to understand than the python and therefore it’s more likely for bugs to creep in. For example I think curl_exit_code=$?
should be called immediately after the curl command as the way it’s presently written isn’t it capturing the exit code of the tail command?
You’ve explicitly called --connect-timeout
and --max-time
. imo it only comes from experience that you need to add these options. I had a script that had been funcitoning without issue for months then suddenly started to hang and it was a while before I figured out that the defaults for curl
had no timeout so it didn’t gracefully fail like I would expect.
These are the kind of traps that I fall into all the time with bash and it’s painful to debug.
curl \
--silent \
--write-out "\n%{http_code}" \
--connect-timeout "$CONNECT_TIMEOUT" \
--max-time "$MAX_TIME" \
http_body=$(echo "$response" | sed '$d')
http_code=$(echo "$response" | tail -n1)
Show us on the doll where the shell script touched you…
I believed bash would be enjoyable, I believed we’d have fun. But all it ever gave was pain. I was young and naive.
That’s profoundly untrue. Scripting in bash is an indescribably painful experience.
You have absolutely no idea what version of a binary the user will be running so you’re limited to using only options that have been well established.
I’ve never worked with python but I understand it has at least got some semblance of package management providing assurance that methods you’re calling exist, and I imagine it has some standardised mechanism for handling errors unlike bash.
A simple example is making a GET request to an API and deserializing a JSON response if its successful, handling a timeout if the server can’t be reached or handling the HTTP status code if it’s not a 200 response.
JS, python, Rust, C#, Java etc will all handle that simple scenario with zero effort but in bash it’s a nightmare.
How do you find communities without browsing all?
I decided to not even bother with a significant number of mods because they just seemed mind numbingly confusing to set up.
I’m not complaining, I’m just wondering if I’m missing some trick or something.
I think you made the right choice here.
There’s no quality control in modding communities so I’d say the effort the developer puts into the install instructions is going to be a reasonable indicator of the quality of the mod itself.
To run virtualization and and WSL in a debloated manner you may as well just dual boot Linux and Windows. It’ll remove so much headache that WSL creates.
Dual booting is well documented and you get the best of both worlds. If you later find it’s not for you then you just erase the Linux partitions and stick with windows
Anything designed to represent the save action will become obsolete eventually because the nature of saving data changes.
Originally you saved writing by inscribing it on a wax tablet, then paper, then removable disk, then hard disk, then solid state, now the cloud.
I would say the most times less will be pencil on paper as it’s the most basic method of recording.
But that’s already considered to mean an edit action
Neither of those would happen and tbh I don’t think the EU particularly care to impose either.
The UK is an island nation so schegen doesn’t have the same benefits that are off value to continental Europe. The exception might be if Ireland wanted to join schegen then Northern Ireland might also join schegen to simplify the border. Obvs that comes with it’s own complexities.
The Euro is an interesting topic. I wonder if there’s a middleground where GBP is retained as the primary currency but large companies must also accept Euro for goods. Most of us purchase goods on debit card so if we’re rarely using cash it makes little difference to us if the transaction is in GBP or Euro, provided the prices are shown in GBP so the right wing don’t have a hissy fit.
Similarly contracts and trade with European contracts would be done in Euro but small companies doing business within the UK can continue to use GBP.
This appeases both sides. The average Brit still sees GBP but EU citizens are free to use Euro
Close ties between the UK and the EU is of interest to both parties.
However, there’s a very loud minority of the UK populace supported by a lot of the right wing press, who will have a hissy fit if the government shows any indication of collaborating with the EU.
Therefore what you’re suggesting just isn’t possible. What is possible is a bespoke deal. It doesn’t have to provide unique benefits, that other countries don’t enjoy, it just has to be labelled sufficiently different to quash the overreaction of the right.
Basically, it has to be “special” and “privileged” but only in the sense of wrapping right wing snowflakes in cotton wool. In reality it’ll be a worse deal than the UK once enjoyed, and worse than if the UK rejoined, but at least it would be better than the fuck all we have now.
Ah, thanks for clarifying that. I definitely misinterpreted what you said.
I’m not sure I’ve even read Proton’s latest reply in full.
When I saw it on reddit I just got annoyed by all the boot licking comments saying variations of “thanks for being so transparent”.
I’m unlikely to believe any post incident damage control from Proton. Their CEO caused irreparable damage to their reputation. The only resolution is to remove him from his post.
I’m tired of seeing people claiming that alternatives are probably just as bad. That’s irrelevant. the alternatives haven’t betrayed the faith users place in them. and given the scale and nature of Proton as an organisation it’s entirely reasonable to expect a higher standard of them.
The same is also true of ChatGPT. On the surface the results are incredibly believable but when you dig into it or try to use some of the generated code it’s nonsense.
You might not want to post apologia for a company defending a fascist party once, then doubling down, then trying to take it all back saying “it was a mistake to get political”
At no point did I state “it was a mistake to get political” that is a narrative entirely from your own imagination.
I made a sarcastic response to the opening comment. People didn’t notice the sarcasm. No worries my sense of humour isn’t overly obvious and I refuse to litter \s marks everywhere so I’m not too bothered if my comments are misinterpreted at times.
the opening commenter responds sarcastically.
I respond with another comment that’s absolutely dripping with sarcasm and even explicitly call out Proton’s bullshit. Somehow people still don’t note the sarcasm and yet they understood the firadin’s comment was sarcastic, odd but again I’m not too bothered.
Somebody implies I haven’t understood a joke.
I try to delicately suggest I’ve been misunderstood. Again, I’m not too bothered.
Your response. Absolutely absurd.
At no point did I even defend the Nazis, at no point did I say or imply what you’re quoting me as saying.
The most ridiculous thing is you accuse me of “apologia” on the same day I repeatedly call out the inappropriateness of Proton’s stance because I got tired of reading so much “apologia”:
The solace I do take from this is that at least people are aware of the insanity of the hill Proton have decided to die on.
You might want to direct that elsewhere
Exactly it’s totally different.
And they never specifically praised the vice president they simply made some fucked up association that his attendance of an event meant he was on side contrary to pretty much every other indication that has ever been given.
Only in america could you need a gun to protect yourself and an insurance policy to protect you from the consequences of carrying a gun.
The cherry on the cake was when somebody stated the legal bill could be as high as a medical bill.
It’s important for national security that we all work together to protect US corporate profits.
For clarity the company did not explicitly support Trump. They simply stated negative things about the “corporate dems” and praised the new republican party.
The desperate PR campaign against deepseek is also very entertaining.
Is it the AK47 they’re uncomfortable with or the transgender badge?