This was a great read. It’s so sad and maddening.
Game Designer • Motion Designer • Modder
I made TF2 hats and visuals for the VGAs
This was a great read. It’s so sad and maddening.
There was a DDoS but it’s a separate attack from what I read
Quebec also has a disproportionate amount of successful games for similar circumstances. Video game salaries are pretty well subsidized (although it was originally only meant to encourage Ubisoft to open a studio then other companies joined or got created so they kept it). The current government is threatening that though. That’s on top of socialized healthcare, low electricity cost, and the Canadian Media Fund but those all apply to the rest of Canada as well.
Quick list on top of my head: Indies: Outlast, Dead by Daylight, The Messenger, Spiritfarer, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Fez… AAA: Deus Ex, R6 Siege, For Honor, some of the better Assassin’s Creed and Farcry, Batman Arkham Origins
and the only voting options are maintaining the status quo or making it worse
Oh cool there’s an Android app, that’s gonna make it so much easier to recommend!
Edit: I just read about how it’s centralized and not encrypted, I’m not sure how this can become anything but Discord except open source and less popular. Matrix + Element seems to cover my use case for a project a bit better, I’ll give that a try.
Why would anyone buy a brand new Switch in 2024, just buy a used one
It’s not widespread BECAUSE Microsoft refuses to include it in all their controllers. It’s been a standard in Sony, Nintendo, and even some 3rd party controllers like 8bitdo.
I mean I agree but shouldn’t they have stayed a nonprofit then?
How is that a bad thing
I’m on Jerboa too and tapping the article’s picture opens the website instead of expanding the thumbnail. Not ideal UX.
Classic case of “Socialize the costs, privatize the profits”
Filter by Hot, Active and Top Day are godsends for Lemmy. I understand the lack of blackbox algorithm but zero control over your timeline outside of Chronological and tags kills Mastodon for a lot of people.
Alternatively a Gabe Newell quote: “Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem.” Not exactly the same context but it also applies.
Ikea has plenty of options, with either plastic lids or bamboo and silicone (neither of which are microwave safe)
You can still get long-covid symptoms that lasts months (or forever) while boosted, so I really wish people still masked whether they are boosted or not.
I’m usually way more into short arcadey yet narrative games like Hotline Miami, but based on your list I’d wholeheartedly recommend What Remains of Edith Finch. It’s a bunch of very short story vignettes, so even if you only have 30 minutes you know you’ll complete one.
Night in the Woods might also interest you. I would always play one in-game day (which is about 1 hour each) to relax before going to bed.
I stopped playing games that try to monopolize my time with battle passes and dailies, as well as games that take 60+ hours to complete. For me that included not playing Animal Crossing.
Since I started working from home I’ve had a hard time motivating myself to play Steam games on my PC. I bought a Steam deck and a dock for it and it really changed my approach. I install 2-3 games from my backlog at a time, play them for about 2 hours before deciding if I’ll finish them or move on and uninstall to make room for a new one.
I’ve been meaning to stream and review games but kept putting it off because I didn’t have time and energy, and this meant there’s a bunch of games I’ve stopped myself from playing because I wanted to make vids for them. But I’ve realized that nothing forces me to record gameplay to talk about games. Zero Punctuation gets his impressions across in 5 minute videos with no footage whatsoever. So playing tons of short games in succession kind of renewed my motivation.
Also, putting stuff out there is success in and of itself. Don’t let your motivation be driven by views or income, or you won’t be doing it for the right reasons and you’ll burn yourself out.
You can tuck wired headphones under your shirt if it’s a problem, I still do that if I only have wired earbuds on me. Also Bluetooth headphones add a bit of lag which I find noticeable when playing games.