Shinji_Ikari [he/him]

  • 12 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I knew a few folks who were on the depressed side and I didn’t mean to lump them in. I saw a lot of it first hand and the behavior was different ime. Like the lazy kids were very “give me the answer” while the people having a seriously hard time were not pushy and sorta silently fell behind.

    A lot of my friends didn’t make it to graduation. It was really hard seeing it happen but they weren’t in a headspace to accept help. A couple times a month there’d be a classmate who would just stop showing up.

  • 10 years ago when I started college, I watched 100s of freshman lug their g*mer laptops into the lab for tutoring the night the intro CS class homework was due. They were too busy the rest of the week gaming to do the homework, so they began 4 hours before it was due and begged for help.

    Most of them didn’t make it to their sophomore year. I don’t feel that bad, the work load was not that heavy, the tutors were there every day of the week. I had a really hard time grasping programming at first, so I was there daily. The homeworks were given a week ahead of time, the lecture notes spelled out 80% of the solution, and the tutors loved to help. The students just didn’t want the help.

    This conjures a similar feeling. idk maybe I’m being a dick.

  • They never were and never advertised as such. There’s secret chat’s that only work from the originating device to the receiving device that are e2e.

    Group chats were never encrypted because they’re convenience chats, not places to tell secrets. IE you can look back at all the history and shared files from any device you log into. You can search for a message from 2 years ago to remember something that was discussed previously.

    I’m a big telegram defender because it’s the nicest cross platform chat app to stop your parents from creating the n+1th mms group chat from their iphones, torturing all android users. It’s also not a Meta app, and doesn’t have the nerd requirements of an actual encrypted chat.

  • This raw milk stuff is so weird to me.

    I have a friend who is overall completely lactose intolerant. Her parents live out in the boonies and used to have a deal with a small dairy farmer where the farmer would bring his cows by their field to graze and in return they’d get some free milk.

    This was raw milk, and my friend would have zero intolerance symptoms when she drank it. Weirdest thing. Eventually the farmer retired, but since they live so close to other farms, they’ll buy raw milk when they want to do a dairy based thing so my friend can participate.

    So like, raw milk is weird, I saw my friend chug an entire glass and not be rootin’ tootin’ all day, no stomach pain or anything. But they’re in a very unique situation where there’s exactly two steps in the supply chain and most people are not in that situation. It’s not their standard milk, just treat now and then.

  • The US in it’s current configuration requires an enemy. An enemy is like food, without one it will starve. So much of what makes the country run requires war. It’s a common talking point, the MIC, deeply entrenched into the political system.

    Politically the US is incapable of pivoting it’s defense industry towards non defense use. It theoretically could with a fearless political movement, shift defense research into energy, materials, etc but it won’t because a large aspect of the industry is the veteran to contractor pipeline and the military attitude carries over. Everything is a mission, a fight, good guys, bad guys, allies, and enemies. It’s the backbone of the industry, the GI bill for make-work.

    In order to pivot that deep culture of make-work to civilian use cases, the book would need to be rewritten. The US would suddenly need to be okay with social uses for research, development, and manufacturing. This would mean the gov would be in direct competition with greater industry, which would be a massive contradiction for the political classes and their intermingling with business.

    Currently, the only customer for the massive defense industry is the the military. They’re the only ones allowed to buy the product, and their wallets are deep.

    Tl;Dr they can’t stop this train. The only way forward for them is war, and war requires an enemy. The train could be stopped, but it no longer has brakes of its own. The ensuing derailment would be catastrophic and politically untenable. To any politician, if they want to make any changes period, they need allies. Without allies they can’t make any changes.

    Even the best politicians must operate within their political system and need to make tradeoffs in order to prioritize their goals. Kamala must suck up to the military if she has any hope in implementing the most minor incremental changes.