On pure mathematical basis, I can see it, yes
But given the fact that birth rates are not evenly distributed across the year, it’s probably not the case in reality
On pure mathematical basis, I can see it, yes
But given the fact that birth rates are not evenly distributed across the year, it’s probably not the case in reality
Do you deliver?
And veteran PTSD problem advocacy movie.
At least the first one
That’s not true. I’m still on the surface
That’s where the shock collar comes into play
[insert technology connections video about “brown”]
Don’t think horses can carry HIV. PreP is not necessary
I almost didn’t buy a ThinkPad back in the day before I leaned that you can swap it. Such a stupid design
I also randomly saw today that framework has the opposite option in BIOS. For the people that migrate over
Their TOS seem to state otherwise, if the screenshot in Louis’ video is to be believed. Looks like they are keeping themselves an option
Now put the clit mouse into a framework chassis (the relevant patents are now expired)
I don’t think it’s illegal. The amount of citizen with access to enough wealth to own a car is just relatively low
Can’t wait for the trickle to finally start
aaany day now
I had hoped that was an onion link
I have 0 steamdeck accessories. Works perfectly fine
Look, we had a party going
Then you configured it too aggressively. You can select what it should skip
I know someone who did that, got the paper and a whole load of infodump on the topic
Some people are extremely happy to share their obscure knowledge