I can’t get over how the radio will bleep it like “xxx damn”.
I like banjo, spiders, and a future with a planet isn’t on fire and the working folks can actually live fulfilling lives.
I can’t get over how the radio will bleep it like “xxx damn”.
Dune II? I know that was a year ago, but I really don’t do movies.
Place was a mess that day, but I got this one.
I love fighting games, but getting the sense of one and finding my main feels like learning an instrument.
I’ll have a random scene or line from the Simpson’s in my head for years and later find out it’s everyone’s favorite thing.
Probably my cat being silly.
I used to catch butterflies as a kid and one time I unknowingly scooped up a slug. An unpleasant surprise, to be sure.
I now know what edema actually feels like on a person. For me it falls into a sort of textural uncanny valley. I realize this comes off as perhaps rude, given the various medical issues that can cause it, but it really does have a sense of wrongness to it.
Mirror universe where Ben Shapiro is a leftist.
Far Cry 5, I suppose. I don’t game much, so it’s pretty much the only nazi-fighting game I play.
Damn, can’t escape the patriarchy.
I’m kinda indifferent on rap, but there’s few things I love more than the ms-paint edits that indie rappers put on their albums. 10/10
My dad insisted for a stint that I keep my door open for air flow. He was stubborn on it when I was a teen. Literally all I wanted was to lay in my bed reading for hours in silence. But like, I still had a door.
Standing in a tree while reading from my English textbook.
Part of being a bi-guy is fighting over sword girls with lesbians.
You now have me convinced Dems are going to run on being anti ADA to appeal to the right more and be “big-tent”.
When are the packers playing? Go Pack, go!