Yeah, but how many eggs do you eat? /s
Yeah, but how many eggs do you eat? /s
I saw that post earlier and had to close Lemmy… All the misogynists came out of the woodwork for that one.
They know, but can’t be bothered to teach us
It is not a space game. It is a detective game were the narrative comes from your inner voices. Highly recommend, especially if you are looking for some political commentary!
You underflow and get a life expentency of MAX_INT years!
But what if I were to get some meme from .ml and present them as my own? Delightfully devilish Acute_Engle’s!
Unraid is not a backup. It is good, but if your data goes wrong for different reasons or you lose the entire device, you can’t restore it. Dedicated backups are a must for anything serious!
I guess you’ve never made iced tea then
Thanks for the recommendation; I learnt quite a bit and it was very well organised.
I thought that was just the default state?
This is an invasion! Put your hands up and eat our cookies!
I just couldn’t get into Last Epoch. Can’t really put a finger on why, since other ARPGs grabbed me that are not that dissimilar…
27, although quite a few I barely played at a friends house or something. I tend to sick to indies nowadays though.
Given that Marx died a little while ago, I would say he has probably Finnished.
Just got into lilypond recently and the output is really high quality. It is clear a lot of care went into its design.
Happens to the best of us!
The paper that this references is well worth a read as it goes into quite a bit more detail and highlights the difficulty they had with XRD, which there article glosses over.
Good spot. Took me a while to find it!
I’ve been having a blast with that one. If you want something in a similar vein, take a look at antimatter dimensions. Again, it is the sort of game that has so many layers and it prone to spoilers.