My favorite is the Secluded Owl
Where can i buy get the crocheting pattern for this doll?
But it’s for science!
Oh hey the German version of this joke is also one that doesn’t translate! “A neutron walks into a bar. The bartender says: Sorry, only invited guests.” In German, “geladen” means both “invited” and “charged”.
Have at it ;)
Danke für den hilfreichen Kommentar. Jetzt weiß ich, wer da interviewt wird. (Ja, den Daumen hab ich gesehen, es fehlt leider Kontext.)
Appearantly it’s been going in this direction for a while. There’s a reason Offdem exists…
während sich gehälter über den markt an die prozentuelle inflation anpassen, […]
In welchem Paradies lebst du, wo das so ist (und wie komm’ Ich da hin)?
Regarding your first point: There’s men that need a tampon every once in a while.
That is because Europe is the only perfect country in the world, of course! /s
yeah my mans the definition of horny on main memes…
Thanks for sharing! This is indeed a very nice photo.
It was a graveyard graph.
To be super technical about the argument (sorry): Your initial comment is irrelevant to the subject since the post talks about (fictional) starships to which very different (and handwavy) physics apply.
Im still glad to have learned a tiny bit about real world ships though. Thanks.
My favorite track is Yellow Hyper Balls. The remaster doesn’t do it justice imho.