American tax payers who can’t afford bread: “And I helped!!”
“The future ain’t what it used to be.”
-Yogi Berra
American tax payers who can’t afford bread: “And I helped!!”
Most of the respondents to your comment focused on the bananas themselves as being the issue, but they are actually missing the point somewhat. Bananas do have more potassium and are more radioactive than other fruit, but actually, its the “putting them inside you” which is the much larger issue. The inverse square law applies to all forms of radiation and you’ve effectively reduced that to 0 by ingesting the thing which is radioactive. So instead of absorbing a small fraction of the total radiation emitted by the thing over time, you are exposed to ALL of the radiation emitted by the thing over time. Not to mention any radiation given off the plates is not even going to be able to penetrate your skin or clothes; whereas the banana is already inside you.
Yeah its safe. Your aunties nasty ass jello salad with banana’s in it is giving you far more radiation exposure than those plates, because you put it inside you.
Justifying death for the ruling class is easy when its the death of someone not in power.
very good. looks like you got plenty spares too.
Okay so that’s a different point.
Ignorance isn’t a form of evidence. You “not knowing” something has no external meaning.
I could really give a shit if he was doing all he could do to save US democracy right now.
Fact is he ain’t doing fuck all else, so yeah, I disapprove. Whatever the fuck that entails.
I mean… Luigi achieved his goal. That CEO is definitely no longer alive.
I’d like to to see a direct oath to citizenship upon completion of for graduate degree from an American school.
just gotta eat it real fast before it gets cold.
What makes you think that you are unqualified?
A more than cursory knowledge of statistics.
Are you saying someone made shit up on the internet?
I’ll give you a hint. It had just emerged from its cocoon.
…I started blastin’
Had this one come off a milkweed watering yesterday.
This is America. We build whole industries (the insurance industry) around killing people for profit.
Well we at least agree on one part of that statement.