What’s the purpose of the plastic covers?
What’s the purpose of the plastic covers?
You’re right about the Nintendo stuff, but could you please not mention grandma’s playbox ever again in posts where the topic is about insinuating filthy vaginas.
Oh there are many wild ideas… I don’t know of any other pyramid shaped ones though.
For other shapes, I think The Line in Saudi Arabia is worth a mention, because it’s actually being built. Slave labour and other issues aside, it’s interesting that they attempt to follow through on such an insane plan.
This design project might interest you, but do notice that it is not currently possible.
Nyheden figurer på flere tabloids, som i sidste ende viser tilbage til kilden https://denmarkification.com/
Nederst på siden fremgår det ret tydeligt at være lavet for sjov. Det er ikke taget ud af rokokoposten eller “not the onion”. Det er satire, som på mærkværdig vis er havnet i nyhedsstrømmen, dog kun hos useriøse medier.
Damn that gravity causing trickle down egunomy.
There’s no mention of it in news in Denmark.
All the tabloids are pointing to this page as “source”: https://denmarkification.com/
It’s obviously a satirical site. My guess is that it’s made by an American.
There’s amusia, which is “tone-deafness”.
It’s one thing to not sing in tune or not remember a melody correctly, but there are people who can not even hear a difference between two melodies, even if they can tell other sounds apart. I would guess that’s somewhat similar, because I doubt these people have any chance in imagining what a melody sounds like.
I’m not sure how to put tariffs on invisible trading, except for taxing profits directly and forcing the profits to be allocated to the right country.
That’s sort of what transfer pricing methods are supposed to do anyway, but they are still very flexible and usually work the other way.
I had a horror/comedy dream last night. It was pretty funny in hindsigt, so here it goes:
I am in my office at work, and I get a really important call regarding a case I’ve been working on (in real life) for a while. So I already know exactly what I want to say, but to my surprise my throat is so sore that I can hardly speak.
Every time I open my mouth I just either yell loudly or whistle silently. I only manage to say a few syllables in each breath.
This goes on for quite some time in which I barely manage to explain my unfortunate situation and that it’s important that they hear me out. The call repeatedly gets cut off and starts over, forcing me to go through the whole thing several times much to my frustration, before I realize that I’ve actually just been snoring in my sleep and wake up.
Bicycle pump.
we could control it if we took it seriously
I doubt that. It’s already too late. It’s literally everywhere.
GrayJay seems to work for that.
Sleep doesn’t work like a health bar in a video game.
Different stages of sleep have different efficiencies. For instance, passing out drunk doesn’t count as sleep. You body is still active in digestion which can prevent a good sleep, or intoxication can prevent the brain from going into deep sleep.
Sleeping is an activity. Humans are just weird for closing both eyes and both sides of the brain at the same time, but it doesn’t mean that we shut down completely. Most animals do not sleep this way If we could experience partial sleeping like animals, we’d probably understand better what a good sleep is…
Det bliver interessant at høre argumenter imod…
You don’t, and they can be.
Watch the animation on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort
Jeg så tv programmet. Det er lidt ligesom det med kolonihaverne i Ålborg. God underholdning, men meget karikeret.
I think it’s perfectly fair to prioritize yourself first. Politicians should do that.
But why does she want China last? That’s just hatred.
I remember when political news were pictures of people shaking hands and making trade agreements. These days it’s all screenshots of social media posts made from someone hiding in a basement or gated community. Trump refusing to answer a telephone call from Canada while using his phone to tweet out more bullshit is a new low.
American politics might be two sided team game, but international politics are not. Unfortunately for the republicans, they desperately need an opponent to make themselves relevant. They simply don’t have anything else to offer.
Det gik fint, men nu er det gået i stå. Jeg har fået pudset op med grov mørtel og fint puds. Nu venter jeg på at tømreren kommer og fuger døren inden jeg afslutter med maling, men det kan vist godt tage lidt tid før han kan. Jeg skal også have støbt et trin i beton, inden det bliver helt færdigt.