I ended up bringing in it up in conversations with non gaming dates and they still texted me back in the following days.
The true mad dog of dojima
CS Student and developer on my free time.
I ended up bringing in it up in conversations with non gaming dates and they still texted me back in the following days.
The true mad dog of dojima
That are exceptions, i just don’t play elden ring because my pc is a potato
I don’t really play MMOs and in single player games it means a lot of grind and probably some mechanics made just to get as much money as possible, for example gacha games where you can get the same character multiple times and instead they give you xp when that happens.
That are exceptions but they are really rare in comparison.
When I see a game screenshot with a level above 100, I decide that is not worth my time
Shin megami tensei 2
You are playing a dangerous game boy
This does sound like a burnout, i would recommend to try and rest a little bit for a feel days, maybe a week to put your mind at easy if possible, also gamedev can be a good hobby for taking your head out of work, look on itch.io for a game jam and try to have fun along the way
Here are the dot files as promised
Thanks and we can dream
Sure, i need to send them to github as well, tonight once i’ve got home from work i will post the link here
I prefer camel case
Finally someone asking the real questions
If no one it’s gonna say it i will, this looks amazing
I know you already edited the post, but someone need to post This
I do hope so, i know there’s still a good amount of content, but the game is finally starting to close up the main story, and 10/15 hours in a 100+ hours game is still the final hours for me
As someone who plays on normal and try to rush the dungeons a best as i can, i haven’t really farm on this game up until now, but because of that some bosses are a real challenge with in my opinion is a great thing. And remember the easy mode is there for a reason, you don’t need to shy away from using if you just wanna to enjoy the story without dedicating too much in the battle system
I’ve been playing persona 5 Royal for the past 2 months, i’m finally in the last hours and loving as much as the start, can’t recommend this game more, it’s my favorite game so far
I can totally see Majima doing this
If a game doesn’t see your controller you can normally run the game from steam and the game should see it as a xbox controller, but if you wanna to see the playstation layout that will change from game to game, some will show, some will require mods and some you just have to give up
My father didn’t cared and my mother would tell me not to bully the kids in bully, but never forced me to stop playing thoses games, and most parents at that time where like that, at least in my social circle