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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Context for this image.

    Challenge in the Mist - Graham Turner

    Dawn on the 14th April 1471, and Richard Duke of Gloucester and his men strain to pick out the Lancastrian army through the thick mist that envelopes the battlefield at Barnet.

    At dawn on Easter Sunday, the armies of Edward IV and his one time ally, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, confronted each other near Barnet, 10 miles outside London.

    A thick fog enveloped the battlefield, causing the opposing forces to misalign - Edward’s right wing overlapping Warwick’s left and visa versa. In the struggle that followed, the Yorkist left was outflanked and crumbled, its remnants being pursued off the field by the Earl of Oxford’s men. However, when Oxford managed to regroup some of his force and return to the fray, the misalignment of the armies had caused the whole battle line to rotate and in the confusion, they found themselves engaged against their allies.

    A cry of treason threw the Lancastrians into disarray and in the ensuing rout the Earl of Warwick met his end as he tried to reach his horse.

    At Barnet, as at Tewkesbury two weeks later, the Yorkist vanguard was commanded by Edward’s 19 year old brother, Richard, Duke of Gloucester. He was involved in some of the heaviest fighting - being slightly wounded himself - and he would later have several of his retainers remembered in prayers, ‘slayn in his service at the batalles of Bernett, Tekysbery or at any other feldes’.

    Graham Turner’s painting shows Richard with his standard bearer as they strain to see the enemy, apprehension mixed with excitement as they anticipate the slaughter that is to come.

  • I’m all for interesting side quests, but it does hurt immersion a little when High Priest Powervac impresses upon you how urgent it is that you stop The Great Finger Eater and save the galaxy, but you’ve also really got to gather nine forget-me-nots for Widow Stoop and honestly, they’re of equal importance.

  • I do still search for Reddit posts when looking for opinions about products, solutions to technical problems, etc - much as I don’t want to use the platform, the quality of content is generally much higher than Quora, the Microsoft Forum, and other open discussion hubs.

    I refuse to be an active user, though. I know it needs to make money, but fuck their attitude to their users and moderators.

  • I went up from the Jordan unto Bethel. And as I was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked me and said unto me, “Go up, thou bald head! Go up, thou bald head!” And I turned back and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth Ganon out of the wood, and tore forty and two children of them.

  • Robert Molesworth in a session on 12th August 1720:

    in his Opinion, they ought, on this Occasion, to follow the Example of the ancient Romans, who having no Law against Parricide […] adjudg’d the guilty Wretch to be thrown alive, sew’d up in a Sack, into the Tyber. […] As he look’d upon the Contrivers and Executors of the villainous South Sea Scheme, as the Parricides of their Country, he should be satisfy’d to see them undergo the same Punishment.

    No specific mention of snakes, but that was part of the Roman “punishment of the sack”.