• 284 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024


  • federal reverse@feddit.orgtoich_iel@feddit.orgich_iel
    8 hours ago

    Da zweifle ich noch ein bisschen dran. Im Grunde ist rechtsextreme Politik nicht daran interessiert, das Überleben aller zu sichern sondern nur daran, das eigene Leben (und vielleicht noch das der Familie) auf Kosten aller anderen zu sichern. Klimaschutz funktioniert aber nur global, Artenschutz ebenso. Dass nationalistische Lösungen für globale Probleme Humbug sind, wird Nazis aber auch in Zukunft nicht interessieren.

    Trotzdem habe ich gerade diese Kampagne von 2020 gefunden habe, als sich Nazis allen Ernstes auf Klimademos bewegt haben: htps//schuelersprecher:info (Link ist absichtlich kaputt). Das Spannende ist für mich eher, wie krass die in der Defensive waren, dass sie versucht haben, ein von links gesetztes Thema zu unterwandern—statt ihr eigenes Thema Menschenhass gleich vordergründig zu setzen.

  • I also feel like there is a move to the right in order to meet the challrnge from the AfD.

    That shift does exist, unfortunately across all major parties. The Left Party is sorta excluded from that dynamic but only because the left/right hybrid BSW split off.

    However, it’s centered around stoking fear in/picking up fears from the majority society against immigrants/LGBTQ people (and other perceived societal outsiders). It is largely independent of behavior toward Israel [though] - [behavior toward Israel] follows a script that may be problematic too but [is not] defined [or majorly influenced] by Afd. Except for the aspects I named before: Right-wing isolationism (which may mean not delivering weapons to Israel and protesting for peace) as well as making refugees, many of whom are Muslims feel unwelcome (which may means using their [real or perceived] antisemitism against them).

    which your comment is insightful


  • Overall, I find your comment exaggerated and its logic doesn’t hold up entirely:

    1. A clearer line would be good, but it’s wrong to frame the entire political class as unfettered warmongers when in practice only defensive material is being delivered. If you read the article – the last time actual weapons were delivered was in February 2024. What was delivered since are helmets and other defensive material, and (possibly maybe!) spare parts for weapons. Future weapons deliveries were never categorically excluded though, as Germany does not want to cross Israel (there’s “a special relationship”). Within the coalition the party most opposed to [weapons deliveries] are the left-of-center Greens, whereas the barely-left-of-center SPD and the libertarian FDP would likely not have put in the brake.
    2. Delivering weapons to Israel won’t actually help you gain votes in Germany. Claiming that weapon deliveries to Israel is a populist move (which is how I interpret “out-fashing the fashs”) is disingenuous when 70% of Germans are against weapon deliveries to Israel.
      • Centrists will feel bound to support Israel because this is the “reason of state” and we’ve always done it that way. They are the most likely to support weapon deliveries.
      • Right-wingers are isolationist. They hate Jews and they hate Muslims. Their belief system is fluid enough that their support can go either way: Fairly right-wing people solidarizing with Gazans or Afd in parliament decrying antisemitism because it helps them further their goal of sowing distrust against Muslims.
      • Left-wingers are usually pro-humanitarian and also traditionally largely pro-Palestinian, although I guess that support has gotten weaker.

  • Komische Sache: In meiner Erinnerung hat C&A auch schon mal eine pornografische Webadresse auf ein T-Hemd gedruckt, so ca. 2001. Und die Nachricht war damals relativ groß. Leider habe ich das letzte Mal, als ich danach im Zwischennetz gesucht habe, nichts dazu gefunden. Kann das jemand bestätigen?

  • Oder eben alternativ: InnerTune, InnerTune (aber die Gabelung), SimpMusic, OuterTune, SpMp, SongTube, Gyawun oder Simple Song Collector.

    Wahrscheinlich muss ich da noch ein paar probieren. Wobei mich die [Tischoben]-Version der Anw vielleicht doch bei Harmony Music hält.