Yeah wow, holy shit, anyway
Yeah wow, holy shit, anyway
It was nukes that turned the hermit kingdom into a serious threat
Then we would expect North Korea to have very rudimentary military technology and the US to have godlike military technology. Instead what we see is news article lauding North Korean technology while the US is still running obsolete carriers, is behind on hypersonics, burning a trillion on a next Gen fighter that no one can fly, and has a nuclear program in massive disrepair
If Ukraine is even offered statehood in the US, Russia will obliterate Kiev
That is exactly what they’re doing. They are pressure testing their network.
China only does things that lead to long-term stability and shipping fentanyl to the US is not one of those things. History shows us that the most likely culprits for drug running on the US is the CIA, who are entirely responsible for the crack epidemic, or the pharmaceutical industry, who are entirely responsible for the opioid epidemic.
Honestly, that is incredibly impressive
Are you daft? Do you just imagine “US dominance” is some abstract concept. Look, the Nazi’s fed people. They actually had mess halls and they cooked food and some people ate that food for sustenance. Should we dismantle the Nazi regime or should we ramp it down slowly because some people rely on it for food? Like, actually listen to yourself.
No, just because a CIA front uses some money to help people doesn’t mean we should protect it from total and rapid destruction while it spends billions of dollars funding death squads, regime change goons, torturers, and assassins. Get a fucking grip.
Chinese postal service suspends inbound parcels from France, Versailles…
Like. What the fuck is that headline?
This, exactly. Accelerationism is a material process in society. You can participate in it if you try. But just thinking thoughts and feelings feels is not accelerationism.
You love to see it. China can walk and chew gum at the same time. Retaliate in a trade war AND appear strong domestically AND appear reasonable internationally AND accelerate their domestic transition off of coal AND improve their relationship with Russia. In one move.
Holy fuck did Rubio actually call upon the “must remain neutral” line while we are in the midst of the Russian SMO that is predicated on Ukrainian violating the mutual understanding of Ukrainian neutrality?! The fucking gall
It’s like the night of long knives but the commercial version
Yeah, I think that’s definitely a move if we assume us intelligence is still in control, which I think is the safest best for us all to make
Trump created a bargaining chip with the tarrifs, he then asks for something in return. This move by MX creates the impression that Trump is strong, that he’s right about the border, that he’s been right that MX wasn’t trying hard enough, and that MX respects Trump’s tough stance to help clean up the border. All wins for Trump’s optics. Nothing material has changed.
I think we need to wait and see to get an answer to this. Musk has been managed by intelligence for a long time. It’s unlikely they would be totally blindsided by him dismantling a major tool of there’s. If they were blindsided, then their will be a corrective action taken.
One possibility is that he’s still just as ignorant but they steered him towards doing this. Perhaps USAID was infiltrated and they couldn’t fix it. Or perhaps it was reaching the end of it’s usefulness. Or they needed to reallocate and they needed cover for it.
Another possibility is that there are camps and factions in the bourgeoisie that have some manifestations in the structure of the state, and USAID was an agency that was associated with one of those camps, and the Trump presidency is representative of another camp. This would just be territorial consolidation and discipline in that case.
Someone on TikTok posted a video saying “a coup is happening, act now, contact your representatives”
My brother in crisps, the Russian budget for all military which necessarily includes their clandestine influence campaigns is so so so much smaller than the USA’s budget for the same things. Are you saying that dollar for dollar the Russian military is something like 8x more effective than the US military when it comes to strategy, tactics, media, communication, and influenc?
Remember that the role of the government is to mediate conflict between and among bourgeoisie interests. The one thing the bourgeoisie all agree on is preventing revolution, so that’s the state’s primary throughline. But the idea that a single member of the bourgeoisie can go against class interests in a meaningful way is an idea that flies in the face of history.
You are correct, however, that these decisions are likely a reflection of division in the bourgeoisie. Trump is acting out the will of a faction that he himself belongs to, possibly even contributes to at a high level. But that’s not going to be all of the bourgeoisie. That’s why there’s an inner circle of operators, a middle circle of supplicants and appeasers, and an outer circle of opposition.
USAID likely had some specific interests it was pursuing and likely was a pet project of a faction or camp in the bourgeoisie. Destroying it sends a signal to that camp. Most of the choices being made in the first couple of weeks are symbolic, and not being members of the bourgeoisie ourselves, we are likely not able to see all of the symbolism, because it’s contextual to them.
Maybe he’s listening to us tankies on the socials and using that to guide his strategy. Cut all of the payments to the MIC until they start functioning.
And maybe he’s close enough to the mark that Chinese intelligence decided it was time to stop the flow of tungsten.