We finished up the first playthrough of the campaign and I organized a second group with the intent to do another - it sounds like the new group is going to approach it very differently and I’m looking forward to seeing how it runs!
For a second I thought you meant you were running 2 campaigns simultaneously! That would do anyone’s head in. That’s cool that your two groups are coming at the campaign from different angles. Have you found any “bugs” or unexpected behaviour, or has it been pretty smooth sailing?
As an aside I played a casual game of Animal Adventures (D&D but you play animals), and I think I’ve become so steeped in the solarpunk ethos that it seemed strange to just dive right into a “traditional” hack and slash campaign. Like we just kill these henchmen? Why are they even henchmanning? Are they just pure evil?
Things I wouldn’t have questioned playing D&D back in the day, but now seem so odd.
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