• 5 Posts
Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月5日


  • Once you get enough money, you begin to equate having it with being significant, or of importance. This leads you to, conversely, believe that those without it are insignificant, and of little importance. Thus, in his mind, he is like a a great cosmological wheat thresher, separating the wheat from the chaff of our genetic pool. Thus self-aggrandizement naturally walks hand-in-hand with a want to practice eugenics.

    This is a man who saw Idiocracy, and his take away was to focus on removing the over-reproducing “idiots” from the gene pool by removing any support they would need to reproduce. His only measure of whether or not someone is “good enough” to reproduce, is their ability to obtain currency.

    Instead of focusing on social programs that would educate and raise the tide (thus lifting all boats), he’d rather a bunch of people die needlessly, never once imagining that the next Einstein, Picasso, or Tesla might be among the culled.

    Here is a partial list of great scientists that arose from poverty to achieve great things

  • So, it’s like they’re saying that typically a person experiencing a negative feeling will end up abusing themselves in some way as a result of that feeling. As if they’re punishing themselves for having the negative feeling. They will also associate the negative feeling with what they believe is its origin, and avoid it in the future, which could itself be another kind of self-inflicted punishment. E.G. I twisted my ankle on a hike through the forest, I’m upset at myself for having twisted my ankle, so now I avoid forest hikes, which costs me the tranquility of hiking in the forest.

    Thus the negative feeling is exponentially increased through our reaction to it.

    The uninstructed person experiencing a positive feeling will, just like with the negative, associate it with its imagined origin. This, similarly, leads to abusing oneself, through abuse of the origin. E.G. I had a great time last night having a drink with friends, so I will drink again tonight (with or without friends) to experience the great time again. With each repetition, or in trying to sustain the length of the ‘great time,’ it is lessened, costing me the happiness that comes with enjoying time with friends with (or without) a drink.

    Thus the positive feeling is lessened and dulled through our lust to repeat it.

    Whereas its through the understanding that all feelings are temporary that one can truly experience them, without having it affect them negatively. Pleasure, as much as pain, will come forth, rise, fall, and recede into absence. Once we learn to experience it without attempting to harness it, can we live more completely, without the self-abuse that typically follows from attempting to avoid/repeat feelings from the past. The mindfulness involved requires daily practice, and can be attained through meditative practices that involve you turning your mind off and experiencing life without comment or rumination. To me, that means doing a daily workout, but for you it can be anything.

  • I know they will be there for me when I need it

    Here’s the thing, relationships take work. Not just marriages or romantic ones, they all take work. Effort needs to be made by both parties, or else the relationship will die. I had a friend that affectionately called it “friend work,” where they would spend a bit of time each day putting in the effort needed to maintain a healthy friendship, because if she didn’t, then the relationship would suffer for it.

    Not wanting to engage in the world right now is very common, and downright reasonable considering the general state of things. If a relationship you have with someone is mentally stressing you, or sapping your energy, consider whether or not that relationship is valuable to you, and act accordingly. If the relationship is important to you, and you want it to continue or grow, then you have to put effort into it. If the relationship is one-sided, and feels draining, and you want it to end, then put forth zero effort into it, and it will naturally go away.

  • Artistically, I’d say:

    • Cloud Atlas
    • The Fall
    • Pans Labyrinth

    For Epics, I’d say:

    • Lord of the Rings Trilogy
    • Kingdom of Heaven
    • Seven Samurai

    For Comedies:

    • Airplane!
    • Home Alone
    • Naked Gun
    • Hot Fuzz

    Super Hero Movies:

    • Logan
    • Batman: The Dark Knight
    • Batman vs. Superman (The Snyder Cut)


    • Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
    • Spirited Away
    • Beauty and the Beast
    • Akira


    • Alien(s)
    • The Shining
    • The Thing
    • Psycho

    Honorable Mention:

    • Oh Brother Where art thou
    • Fargo (the TV series is great too!)
    • Django Unchained
    • Pulp Fiction
    • Dunkirk
    • Inglorious Basterds
    • Dial M for Murder
    • North by Northwest
    • Wild Strawberries

    (I’m sorry, I love movies)

  • To pay tribute to the late director, David Lynch, I finally got around to watching Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, and The Straight Story.

    The Straight Story was an homage to the American Midwest, and despite being as slow as the protagonists method of transportation, kept my interest throughout.

    Mulholland Drive had some brilliant acting, some amazing scenes, and really left a lasting impact on me. Most notably, I was left saying “WTF?”

    While Blue Velvet is like a crime drama with Camp turned up to 11. Had some great scenes, and was interesting, but some of the acting choices and dialogue were bewildering to me. (“It’s time to FUCK! Let’s FUCK!” comes to mind lol)

  • Mine isn’t particularly exotic, merely a feral cat. She seemed friendly, so I started leaving some water out, and giving her some food, with the intention of adopting her. Then, she had a litter of kittens under my porch. 5 of them. So I started leaving a bit more food out. In a couple days, 2 more kittens joined them (with no sign of the parents). I thought they were cute, but despite wanting to adopt the original mamma cat, I was not prepared to take in 8 freaking cats.

    Then I learned that they had found a small hole in the outer wall of my house, which lead to the underside of the home. A small opening only the kittens could squeeze in and out of. I thought it was cute and allowed it because, how much harm could they do? and it seemed like a nice little protective place for them to hide from the neighborhood dogs that I’ve seen wandering around my yard.

    Well then I discovered that another opening to the underside of my house, this time large enough for an adult cat to get through. Still, I was unbothered. It was during the winter, and having the mamma cat there seemed downright reasonable. I continued to feed them everyday, and provide a gravity fed watering dish.

    But as spring came, so did the smell. At first I thought the smell was emanating purely from them pooping near my house, so I found out where they had been doing it, and blocked the sandy ground so that it was inaccessible. Next I decided to block the large opening to the underside of my house, and in so doing, discovered the true source of the smell. Not only had they been seeking refuge under my home, but they had torn down a sizable portion of the insulation, and shat absolutely.EVERYWHERE. (in the process of poking around the giant litterbox that is the underside of my house, I got a nice sinus infection as their parting gift)

    I decided to open it up, and put a box fan down there, hoping that airflow would diminish the smell, but oh, dear reader, it just made it worse. The lack of insulation combined with the airflow meant I was pushing a massive amount of the smell directly into my living quarters. I opened every window in the house trying to rid myself of the smell, which barely receded.

    I’ve since ordered a large amount of enzymatic cleaner, so soon I’ll be donning a rain jacket, work pants, head lamp, mask, and goggles, and attempting to clean the giant litter box they’ve made of my crawlspace. I’ve stopped feeding them, and will be applying “cat mace” to their usual areas of lingering. After a few days of not feeding, I think I can coax them into a giant cardboard box with some tuna, close it up, and get them to a stray shelter 30-40 miles away.

    Until then, I’ve different scented candles in each room invaded by their pungent detritus. The smell of them has driven me half mad, while their incessant mewing and my sinus infection seems to be taking me the rest of the way.

    Wish me luck. May god have mercy on me.