I dunno, but it is certainly in the universe of movies I don’t care about.
I dunno, but it is certainly in the universe of movies I don’t care about.
Biopics suck in general, but calling this a cinematic universe is cranking it up to levels of lame I wasn’t prepared for.
This could have been something I blissfully ignored; four movies about each of the band members. Instead, some movie studio asshole right now is dreaming about Jimi Hendrix getting his own feature for the BCU.
That sounds miserable. I don’t know if any music would hold up under that, but I’m damn sure “Love Me Do” gets old fast.
I don’t really have a problem with their music, but biopics are generally bad and they’re making one for each of them.
A petty last word 17 days later? It’s been fun, but you are both wildly incoherent and disingenuous.
I’m reaching here because I don’t know the first thing about Mullvad, but it probably has some script that takes care of it’s own DNS needs. I remember the before times, when you had to write up and down scripts that would update resolve.conf directly, then configured OpenVPN to run them on connecting/disconnecting.
It’s possible it could be a box checked or config option in Mullvad that broke it by not fixing DNS on it’s way down?
OP also said they don’t fully remember what was done, so they may have disabled systemd-resolved or installed openresolv or who knows what else.
Fortunately, in this case, they should be able to follow the systemd-resolved docs from the beginning to end up with it working. is the local stub used by systemd-resolved, so OP should pull this thread and comb the docs. If systemd-resolved is installed and not being used, it will cause conflicts with openresolv (most likely alternative).
This is fantastic. Also, any surviving Rosenberg kin should be allowed to bulldoze the Marcus family mausoleum.
When you stick a suction cup on a wall, the vacuum that holds it on slowly decays until it falls off. Sometimes you stick it on so firmly and perfectly, that it stays on the wall even after the vacuum is gone, hence “false vacuum decay”.
Individuals being bad isn’t really the problem. Within a company, jobs are performed in order to fulfill a fiduciary responsibility. You could argue that this makes people bad in some cases, but it’s not always cut and dry.
Yo, I’m damn sure an anticapitalist, but the numbers are way off here. $1B split by 100M works out to $10 per family.
Again, I already understand what you’re saying, I simply don’t accept it. Why didn’t you just start with the unbounded market capitalism solves everything approach? Would’ve made it easier to spot bad faith.
I haven’t missed the point, I’m already actively arguing against it. You’re attempting to hand-wave away examples on how capitalism is worse than the systems of exploitation that came before it.
There is nothing inherently different from capitalism, to any prior system, in the context of abuse of human rights, or however you wish to frame that particular problem.
This is entirely reductive and sets you up for a head-in-the-sand defense of capitalism, where you don’t have to engage with evidence because golly gee, people are just gonna always be evil and if you sorta squint at history, you can just smear a whole bunch stuff together and pretend that it’s basically the same.
This rambling paragraph about “…the problem that has plagued humanity…” is completely incoherent. You fail to even attempt to describe what this problem is, yet then proceed to assign all of our ills to it, before concluding that no solution for it will ever be found. Is it the fabled boogeyman who comes to visit us over and over, turning our best laid plans against us every time? I suspect it is your pessimism for humanity that is the problem in your understanding.
I don’t know enough about communism to talk about it, but I’ve been building a reading list to learn more this year. I do know that there have been serious atrocities committed by Communist forces. I’m sure there are lots of estimates and comparisons on body counts for both isms, but I also think that a number like “hundreds of millions” should have a little more evidence to support it other than vibes.
A simple Google search finds this entry about mass killings under communism. Estimates at the highest are 148 million for all communist regimes combined. I don’t think you know enough specifics to speak on this issue. When you bring numbers into a discussion they need to be grounded in something other than your feelings.
You aren’t breaking anything with this basic view. Human society isn’t monolithic; there have been, and will continue to be, many different forms of it.
Conquest and wars occur throughout time, but corporate firms, investment banks, stock markets, ownership and commodification of land, and other hallmarks of capitalism are more recent.
This lazy argument shows a defeated attitude that we should just accept things as they are, or worse, that it is in our nature to be terrible to one another, when history actually shows more evidence of cooperation than strife.
The microblog is generally correct here. Your attempt at reading between the lines or whatever is off target.
They’re referring to mercantile capitalism, which did come about around this time, though you could quibble that the Dutch technically beat the English with the Dutch East India Company and the Amsterdam stock exchange. However (and I’m going to grossly oversimplify this), the machination of using investment capital to extract wealth was pioneered by the English following the collapse of feudalism, caused by the black plague, and the war against Spain.
Greed obviously wasn’t new, but the concept of using wealth to acquire more wealth was novel. Before this, landowners just piled their wealth up or used it to buy luxury goods.
Is this the same hideout design as Saddam’s?
Would everyone please stop trying to get me?
Well that seems corrupt af
Lina Khan has a snowball’s chance in the FTC under Trump.
Slough Feg fuckin rules! Slough Feg Radio has a ton of really good shit to check out.
That would be torturous, indeed