They’ll lag if you don’t.
They’ll lag if you don’t.
That’s because they haven’t revealed any specific details yet, and won’t until the Nintendo Direct on April 2. But it should be obvious that the next-gen console will have next-gen hardware.
Anything that needs to be played on a CRT.
Yes it was. Plenty of developers who didn’t already have an established audience to rally votes from complained about how difficult it was to even get noticed. And it invited a lot of shady tactics as other developers gamed the system to bribe or even bot votes, because if you’re not doing that then your game will be left behind as your competition gets Greenlit first. Many perfectly good games got stuck in “Greenlight Hell” for a very long time.
Greenlight era had a lot of problems, and these problems are well documented. Valve dropped it for a reason. Don’t start with the revisionist history.
Greenlight was far worse of a problem.
I’d rather let all the shovelware onto Steam than gatekeep even one legitimate developer.
All the defense has to do is play the clip of him openly telling advertisers not to advertise and he’ll get laughed out of court.
If you accept that communities can have their own rules, then the rule here is “no defending Nazis”.
Back home from Frosty Faustings. Hectic weekend of a lot of ups and downs.
Under Night In-Birth II - 2-2, 97th/334
Skullgirls - 2-2, 33rd/80
Them’s Fightin’ Herds - 2-2, 7th/19
Mystery Bracket - 4-2, 17th/256
Twinkle Star Sprites - 0-2, 13th/20
Panel de Pon - 4-2, 4th/19
Puyo 1 is the Street Fighter 1 of puzzle games. Historically important, but the sequel is the one that’s actually good.
I’d say the bigger problem is the bugged randomizer. Doesn’t deal pieces evenly.
Panel de Pon (1995)
Puyo Puyo Tsu (1994)
Depends on the severity of the offense. Don’t wait for Nazis to specifically start Nazi-ing in your community, kick 'em out ASAP. Anything less than that though, probably let it slide.
Fighting Game of the Year 2022, but apparently even that’s not successful enough.
If you’re in the US, Round 1 is a Japanese chain that expanded into the States a while back, and they brought a lot of imported stuff with them. Still a lot of gambling too, but keep walking until you find the section where they keep the good stuff.
You can also check Zenius-i-vanisher, a community-maintained database of what games are at what arcades. If you’re looking for a specific game, they may know a place. Just note that info on there may not always be up to date, double check when an arcade’s entry was last updated.
You and I know this, but the user who asked probably doesn’t know any of that. They just know that BlueSky is the popular new thing, and it claims to be federated, so why not use the more popular thing?
Glitch from the original Pokemon Red/Blue.
NES: Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!
GB: Pokemon Red
SNES: Panel de Pon
GBC: Mario Tennis
N64: Paper Mario
GBA: Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django
GameCube: Kirby Air Ride
DS: The World Ends With You
Wii: Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary
3DS: Kid Icarus Uprising
Wii U: Hyrule Warriors
Switch: Puyo Puyo Champions
Linux: Skullgirls
Android: Simon Tatham’s Puzzles
Arcade: Vampire Savior
I don’t want to try to pick out a least favorite for every single platform. But I’ll name just the two games I detest most: Puyo Puyo Tetris and Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, because I blame them for killing the IP today.
I just really didn’t like the battle system. Maybe I would’ve enjoyed the DS version more.