

  • 14 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2020


  • All I asked here is a question, and suggested the most probable answer in most simple form. You could have given a different answer, but…

    But what? Answer your misdirections? There is only one type of civilization - one based on justice and empathy. But you project it as a white man’s creation. This is just deceitful. A malicious justification.

    I didn’t ask anything about “type of civilizations.” Pay attention.

    You don’t explain your notion of civilization, but want me to deal with your notion of common sense, justice and civilized behavior. Why?

    Because reasonable people with common sense all come to the same conclusion about justice and civilized behavior. Only people with delusions of past glory, racial supremacy and autocracy reach different conclusions. I don’t need to pander those tendencies of yours.

    “Reasonable people” is again a loaded term which you’ll try to avoid defining. Maybe stick to using words that you actually understand?

    There used to be entire chapter worth of material to mug up for exams on which feature of Indian constitution is borrowed from which white country in textbooks.

    Ambedkar only borrowed ideas. That doesn’t mean that it’s foreign. Your own quotation says so - “It involves no plagiarism”. I called it unique to India because it’s uniquely adapted to the conditions in India. It also has a depth that none others have. But you keep insisting that it’s a foreign invention. I would rather live in Ambedkar’s India than Manu’s India. What you’re aspiring for is a barbaric order that the citizens are not particularly found of.

    Lol. You want to suck up to ambedkar’s little cult more than following his logic to its natural end. If you undetstand nothing else, take nothing else from this discussion, take this basic logic: one can borrow/steal/usurp only what belongs to others.

    FYI, ambedkar never owned India. You can never live in his India.

    Did you skip all of that in school?

    Evidently, being in school is meaningless for people like you. We have learned enough to see the warning signs and consequences of an oppressive regime instead of clinging to technicalities to make up frivolous justifications for it.

    This discuss is a sifficient showcase of what you have learned. Foresight is far from thay.

    There. You just lost entire argument by Godwin’s Law.

    “Godwin’s law can be applied mistakenly or abused as a distraction, a diversion, or even censorship, when miscasting an opponent’s argument as hyperbole even when the comparison made by the argument is appropriate.” Nazi comparison is entirely justified here since we are talking about the importance of the constitution and the slide into authoritarianism. So perhaps you should learn that it’s hypocritical to use Godwin’s law indiscriminately like you do.

    Did you forgot that calling something justified is not sufficient to make it justified?


    Prepare better for next time.

    No amount of preparation is enough to talk to authoritarian apologizers like you. You can’t be reasoned with logic or reality. You live in your own delusions. You can live in the hell of your fantasies. Please spare the rest of us. We have no intention to go back to the dark ages with the likes of you.

    You need to learn what logic means and what reality is, and how the two are related. Education has clearly failed you @4dpuzzle@beehaw.org.