True, hence the question marks.
I have a trauma-based personality disorder, which sometimes manifests itself in episodes of often uncontrollable bouts of verbal violence. I prefer to direct this to people on the internet (as opposed to actual people), as I don’t wish to be violent towards people I actually care about.
True, hence the question marks.
Yeah, I guess. Does it pertain to first degree murder? And could it just devolve into a juridical fight? 'cause then I think it turns into whoever has more money to spend wins, so… What I’m suggesting is that we, the people, agree all-together to not rat the gunman (or -woman) out to the pigs.
Anyone else feel like we should give the gunman a free pass, btw?
okay yeah, I think this might be the most sensible answer here. I myself tend to get “a bit” frothing at the mouth when it comes to these things, because of personal experiences. So sorry everyone, I got carried away.
just one more SSRI bro, i promise bro the next SSRI will work bro please i need one more SSRI bro Edit: okay, well maybe instead of insinuating that none of the SSRIs work, I should have claimed that all of them so many potentially crippling side effects, that prescribing these “medications” should be considered significantly more as an absolute last-resort solution - together with inpatient care - than be given out like candy as they are today. But I also understand that it is the cheapest option available, as the best option is therapy, which there are multiple of, all of them requiring quite a lot of time and work, all of which cost significantly more than what anyone is ready to pay. But that shit is long, so take it as you will
oh, please don’t. please, pretty please?
How to create government jobs, while also remaining a christofascist overlord. Just like old times, eh?
Once again, every accusation is a confession.
Eat the rich. Or, and hear me out, let’s first keep a bunch of baboons hungry for a while, then group up all of the ultra-rich and the fascists (which, I suspect, if made into a Venn-diagram would be just a circle), then throw those pitiful (but, thankfully, not pitiful enough) excuses for human beings one after another to the baboons until either the baboons are satiated, or we’ve run out of meat.
Haha, oh wow. You guys over there really are fucked.
DID YOU KNOW the US used Switzerland to buy slavery-produced goods, and conduct other business with Nazi Germany. Funny how “being neutral” means “playing both sides”.