Are vcpkg and conan widespread in your experience? Mine has still been majorly “works on my machine with unnamed debian version and unrestricted library version”, which still breaks like 90% of the time.
Are vcpkg and conan widespread in your experience? Mine has still been majorly “works on my machine with unnamed debian version and unrestricted library version”, which still breaks like 90% of the time.
Meanwhile Germany barely provides 5% of its population with fiber and probably less have access to VDSL. Romania, the Baltics and other countries are fast, but I doubt 10Gbs will be normal there even in 20 years.
Grug brain see much zero think big. Grug brain see very much zero think very much big!
That’s all there is to it.
You don’t want them invading the Android and Java space? 😄
Nvm. Completely missed the small “www.reddit.com” under the post. Didn’t realise it was clickable. Thanks!
Was it taken down? I don’t see it. Why was it being promoted in the first place and how was it not immediately banned? I thought reddit banned anything lemmy related.
My guess, there’s a rust project out there reimplementing curl in rust and that’s where development efforts are concentrated. Probably replacing parts of curl with Rust is more work than its worth.
Homegrown mapping solutions like… OpenStreetMap? Why are governments so concentrated on building private stuff instead of sharing the data?
It’s probably “sh” “-c” that was being used. That’s the ENTRYPOINT
is passed to the ENTRYPOINT
. The docs explain it well, I think.
As for volumes, TL;DR these are mounted into the container at runtime and are not in the image. You may put the dev and production config in the image, but I’d advise against it, especially if the production config contains secrets. Then they’ll be baked into the docker image.
A docker image is basically an archive of archives. Each line you put in a Dockerfile
is executed and the result thereof is put into an archive with a name (hash of the contents plus maybe other stuff) and that’s called a layer. To keep the layers small, they contain only the updates to the previous layer. This is done with Copy On Write (CoW).
FROM alpine
RUN touch /something # new archive with one single file
RUN apk add curl # new archive with paths to curl WITHOUT /something
To run a docker image aka docker run $options $image
. The archive and its layers are extracted, then a new runtime environment is created using linux kernel namespaces (process namespace, network namespace, mount / storage namespace, …), and the sum of the layers is mounted in there as a “volume”. That means the processes within the container are segregated from the host’s processes, the container’s network is also segregated, the storage / files and folders too, and so on.
So there’s a, for lack of a better term, root/runtime volume (/
) from the sum of layers. So the container only sees the the layers (plus some other fundamental stuff to run like /dev
, /proc
, etc.). You can mount a file into the container, a folder, a device, or even a network drive if you have the right driver installed. Mounting a file or folder is called a “bind mount”, everything else (if I’m not mistaken) is just a mount. Volumes in docker are built on top of that. The doc explains in detail what volumes are and their naming.
In conclusion, docker image = archive, docker container = extracted archive running in linux namespaces, volume = storage that be mounted into container.
Finally, parameterising compose files: use environment variables. You can put then into a .env
beside your compose.yaml
or set them before calling e.g ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE=someValue docker compose up
They are “interpolated” aka used in the compose file like so
image: "webapp:${TAG}"
I recommend you read the docs on the syntax, but for your purpose I’d use something like
- ${ENV_FILE:?Env file not provided}:/usr/src/app/.env
Then you can ENV_FILE=prod.env docker compose up
or put the env var in .env
and docker compose
will pick it up.
Please tell me it has coreboot…
That is indeed a good argument reason. I wish them all the best!
Does this mean that watching a video could pwn you?
If they could please outlaw foreign services from public institutions altogether, that would be great. Get rid of Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Apple (MAGA), Facebook, and so on. The EU should be using opensource instead of all that proprietary shit.
“We’re being censored!! Free speech is paramount!!” - immediately start censoring as soon as they get into power. What a surprise.
Has absolutely nothing to do with masculinity and everything to do with fascism.
Kinda. They are not very customisable. They are locked down boxes. You can’t run your normal applications on it, control it with a mouse or keyboard, etc.
I’m not sure what would be the point. Isn’t it “just” a PC with Steam OS running on it? Would it be to help people just default to SteamOS?
Concerning environment variables, you can use volumes in the compose.yaml
to bind mount files or directories in your container e.g
- ./prod.env:/usr/src/app/.env
- ./dev.env:/usr/src/app/.env.development
@elmicha@feddit.org is probably right about the CMD. Read the documentation and learn about the two modes CMD
has. Try to figure it out yourself and if you can’t, reveal the spoiler below
CMD ["npm", "start"]
runs npm
with the start
argument. What you passed was like running "npm start"
in your shell. It looks for a command that’s literally called “npm” “space” “start”, which of course doesn’t exist.
What is the connection between your client and server? Is it wireless and going over the router first? Does it work with a direct, wired connection between client and server?
If your connection goes over your router, does your router have a DNS server? What options do you have for DNS config on your router?
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