And I thought western social media was already unbearable without adblockers. This sounds even more hellish.
And I thought western social media was already unbearable without adblockers. This sounds even more hellish.
I’m not 100% sure but it doesn’t require a login when you pick that option. Iirc it uses an account from a set of shared accounts so that it doesn’t have any personally identifiable information.
You can just login anonymously like the description you posted says. It works pretty well. It’s how I download apps that aren’t available on my local play store.
I’m not sure if this is funny or just sad.
Oh I’m sure it can be fun for people but I just can’t see what’s the fun in it. Maybe I’m too used to Saints Row that drops you into the action immediately.
I still don’t understand the appeal for GTA V either. For a game called Grand Theft Auto, the game sure likes to stop you from committing much crime for quite a large amount of time in game, at least to the point I dropped it at least.
It’s always been a lie. Hiring a Singaporean CEO doesn’t make you not a China company. It would’ve been hilarious and not sad if so many people didn’t fall for such a simple trick.
Are you sure you’re talking about Windows Phone or Windows Mobile because the only Motorola phone I could find online that ran Windows was Windows Mobile from way back in the mid 2000s which is completely different from Windows Phone that came out in the 2010s.
I could swap the word Windows phone and Android in your statement and that was my experience then. This was the Galaxy S3 era where Android ran like a stuttery mess. No apps have ever crashed on my Lumia at least until I installed developer previews towards the end of it’s life (it wasn’t even a supported model to begin with) and it was smooth as butter so I’m not sure where you got this idea from. Have you ever used one back then?
I would have never gotten a Lumia back in 2013 if it ran Android. I would’ve stuck with iOS. Android was hideous and a mess. People here don’t like Microsoft but WP was way ahead of its time in a number of aspects and complemented the Lumia design language really well.
Wtf even is masculine energy in the context of a business? Stealing your employees’ breast milk?
Depending on your luck, it’s not as bad as it seems. I was able to play fine on an 6950 XT except for one location that I only ever was in for 3 minutes or so. Didn’t even had to use any upscaling settings, played it native at 1440p and it was consistently above 90 FPS iirc.
It was way more fun than Fallen Order and I already thought Fallen Order was hella fun.
Japanese is kind of similar. Although usually native speakers do not use an English keyboard. They use this:
Since Japanese has 5 vowels, each key here represents a consonant and can actually enter any of the 5 vowels by either tapping on it or flicking up, down, left or right on it. Once you’ve built the word you’re trying to write, you can tap on the auto suggested kanji or katakana or leave it as is in hiragana.
The exception is the bottom left and right keys which are for alternative consonants (I’m not sure the actual linguistic term) and punctuation which have fewer options but work similarly.
So if I’m writing the character for home, I’d flick the button toy he right of the emoji button left for い and then right for え. Once I have both hiragana characters, I just need to tap on the 家 character that appears above the keyboard.
If it works, it works, although I recommend making sure that you have at least a fully leveled servant of each class at the start so that you can deal with whatever classes the game throws at you. And it would also be pretty helpful to leave some servants that you don’t use in your back line to get them to bond 5 to unlock interlude and strengthening quests that can give you more quartz even if you don’t need the skills from them. Some of them add some cool bits lore wise too. There’s also a battle at the end of the singularities where each servant gets an attack bonus based on their bond level.
On a side note, if you’re on Android, I highly recommend setting up FGA for farming events when they happen. It helps a lot.
If you need a friend support, feel free to PM me your friend code.
If you’re aiming to breeze through the story, try to build 3 turn set ups. It’ll get you through a lot of the filler battles where it’s just 3-3-3 sets of mobs. Berserkers are great for this since you always get the class advantage and if you’re spending 1 turn per battle, you’re berserkers won’t get hit anyways so survivability isn’t an issue.
It might be a bit hard without any support servants that have at least a 50% battery though (Castoria, Koyanskaya of Light, Waver, Skadi, Oberon). Depending on how you build it, a friend support might work.
Arash is an easy first turn clearer despite being an Archer, just make sure you have his 3rd skill levelled for the NP battery and put a CE with at least 70% charge. If you don’t have one, you can consider levelling his append skill that grants 20% NP charge at the start. However, that requires quite a bit of resources. Chen Kong is also an alternative but I haven’t used him myself so I’m not sure how to build him to be honest.
Yorokobe shounen, the priest smiles upon thee.
The Switch is a lot smaller and pocketable than those you described and is far better as a party game machine. It’s also much more widely available. I don’t think it’s so clear cut especially if people are getting it for their exclusives. Yea, you can emulate it but there’s a bit of work to get the ROMs and BIOS that the average lay person isn’t really comfortable with doing.
Are delays not good? It’s preferable to being broken on launch, not to say that it couldn’t be, but it’s likely that it would be more broken if not delayed.
I’m Singaporean and we’ve had a ton of apartments burnt down because of these imported Chinese ebikes already.