Stupid like a fox.
The point is to waste the aid so it can’t be used, don’t believe them when they say they want to reduce waste.
/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!
Stupid like a fox.
The point is to waste the aid so it can’t be used, don’t believe them when they say they want to reduce waste.
I did not mean to imply that consumers should have a choice. They can go to the refillable bean dispensary and they’ll like it.
Imagine if you could go to the store with reusable containers and fill them up with foodstuffs. I eat a lot of beans, I could just fill up a bunch of sacks or cannisters at a dispensary rather than buy all these cans and bags. Need soap? Just go to the soap dispensary and fill up a jug. Etc. Etc.
Because the sanctions on Russia have forced them to cut off one of their most important energy partners and switch to US energy imports. They pay more and the US gets more money, of course the recovery worked out this way.
Yeah, discontinuation syndrome kind of feels like your head is full of angry bees.
I don’t think he can just ban my meds, but who the fuck knows.
I’m not owned! I’m not owned!
Well also, Trump hasn’t pulled the trigger on ignoring court orders yet.
If he runs out of new stuff to try he’s probably going to pull an Andrew Jackson i.e. “The Court has made its ruling, now let them enforce it.”
Execution is so backwards.
Make him work for the rest of his life in a cobalt mine.
They’re liberals. They’ll proudly shake his hand and let him keep all his businesses to show their moral superiority.
You do have to remember that China just has a denser population than the US - during the Tienemen protests China already had over a billion people. If you compare these numbers per capita, the last time we had mass violence on a similar scale was in the 60s.
But what you’re ignoring is that the US, under Trump, will not order the tanks to stand down when a person stands in front of them.
Tankman was able to stop a column of tanks because they didn’t want to kill him. That is a good thing.
Do you actually think if a similar situation happens today in the US that the fascists won’t order them to run him over?
This isn’t China, the cybertrucks wouldn’t be ordered to stop to avoid running him over. They’d just kill him.
I already laid out the alternative: reject the arms race altogether.
This is like the nuclear arms race. If you don’t have nukes, the US might decide to regime change you at any moment.
Your alternative is “let the US dominate them” as if that’s actually a real option.
Militarizing space isn’t defense; it’s escalation. That was the point from the start.
Doing it in response to another military power also militarizing space is obviously defensive. Again, is China supposed to just roll over for the US?
If China genuinely wanted to counter U.S. imperialism without mimicking it, it could focus on international cooperation instead of unilateral dominance.
They… are? That’s Belt and Road and the China Development Bank and BRICS.
Why are you assuming China seeks dominance anyway? It’s not like they kept making nukes until they had more than the US. This is likely the same - do just enough so the US leaves them alone and let’s them continue their path of peaceful development.
That doesn’t look like dominance to me.
What do you want China to do? I’m sure you aren’t demanding they just let the US militarize space unopposed, so surely you have something else in mind.
I’m pointing out that this is a material response to material conditions. Ideology is irrelevant. This is just realpolitik. Why should China leave itself defenses against the empire?
You’re the one swinging ideology around, but your peacenik ideology won’t protect China from inevitable US aggression.
Why not advocate for international treaties that prevent anyone from turning orbit into a battlefield?
We had that, it was signed in 1967, and then the US abandoned those commitments.
What is China supposed to do when a belligerent and violent empire starts violating its international agreements?
Let’s say you’re right. Is China supposed to just sit back and let the US “space force” militarize space unopposed?
Based on the responses to Trump talking about nuclear disarmament, I half expect liberals to reflexively become war hawks.
The propaganda gets a heavy helping hand from the underlying material conditions, where the US enriched itself on superprofits from imperialism and paid off its labor aristocracy to demilitarize and deradicalize.
The propaganda won’t work as well as the first world workers are debourgeousified by the declining rate of superprofit.