Republicans/big business have been trying to install a fascist regime since 1933 when Smedley Butler shut the coup down down.
Republicans/big business have been trying to install a fascist regime since 1933 when Smedley Butler shut the coup down down.
This is just a pivot for his blame game. People are finding out that immigrants, gays and DEI aren’t the problem so he needs new fall guy.
It’s not as if Trump is difficult to figure out or predict.
Exactly. He grabs them by the pussy. He is doing the same with the country. This video is a decent prediction of how it will unfold. Of course he has a lot of instruction from the far right folks, because he is too stupid.
Just sit back, plan for famine, plagues and war. Find your community. Buy used, buy from locals and cut way back on vacations, eating out and travel. Grow a garden, it’s like printing money. Hunt, fish, forage or get into inexpensive but useful new hobbies.
The violent right is dumb but they will finally out who is screwing them and it isn’t immigrants, gays or DEI. They can’t blame Democrats either because Republicans control everything now. They created this monster, let them fight him.
Once countries find and make deals with other suppliers they rarely return. Farmers were bailed out last time but a crashing economy is going to make it difficult this time unless the orange Jabba just prints more money again, then look for runaway inflation.
You guys are just giving him ideas on how to build better a better cybertruck swastikar.
What’s a woman doing in a position of power in this administration? Oh wait, she is doing her master’s bidding - never mind.
The Chinese are more clever than the clowns. They probably have a plan already.
This will be a boon to UPS, DHL and FedEx as they will pick up the business. Wonder if there was a kick-back in the deal. Private subcontractors may spring up too.
Haven’t you noticed that many “industries” are actively working to dismantle government? This isn’t like dynamiting a pond to obtain a fish for dinner. You select your targets. You shift your buying to non-corporate entities., like a National Black Farmer near you. You use a bike instead of a car, when you can. You prepare your own food instead of going to McDonalds. You slow down at work. You develop a like-minded community and help your neighbors. You grow a garden. Maybe you start your own business.
Poor white men are getting and are going to get fucked.
They will love it because it’s their people fucking them. Hold the lube? No problem.
It will come to people arming up and then violence as they begin to shoot people out of fear for their lives.
Well, he WAS running with his peer crowd.
Looks like Elon Twittered Tesla.
People will be in danger either way with the violence prone goons in power. If you are armed, there will be justification to shoot you. Protest at more public and friendly places. That way you will likely have allies nearby. Also, folks need to be situationally aware and plan an escape path if things turn too dangerous.
We need a general strike that doesn’t end until the government capitulates to the needs of the people
Many cannot afford to strike but that is the way the system was set however we only need 10% participation to send a powerful message - any more is icing on the cake. Those who cannot fully can participate by cutting back 10% or more. Everyone should be able to cut back to some extent. Yet, expect the corporate controlled MSM to NOT report on the effects or participation of a general strike. Look for your news on independent sites, some reliable foreign sources and the Fediverse only.
Most in the US don’t see how Canada is being unfair. Maybe he is using “unfair” like he uses it when his assault victims sue him.
Time for a national strike/shutdown.
Great video, but long. Here’s a clip of the boy who thinks we are stupid and the MSM backing him up by omitting a vital detail.