Just surf the seas.
Just surf the seas.
Much appreciated. TIL about this!
Excuse my ignorance, is that a bdsm device?
I was also doing that but after a while, I realised that with some good headphone (I use bose 700) the quality is very similar. I dig a little on the internet and some sound experts made a coparision with 320mps and the result was pretty similar. I switched my whole library to that format keeping the really old albums (mostly really old jazz and blues) of flac. I’m not sure if it’s true that the difference is imperceptible, but now I have a ton more space.
Next Christmas present for someone I know. Thanks!
In this case, I meant the original 120gb hard drive. That’s the reason why I synced it and left it running with the apple OS. I had to upgrade the battery (bought some cheap ones via aliexpress) and now it works like a charm. The only issue was the first charge, it took the ipod a while to recognise the battery, so having a fire wire cable to feed it the first time should do the trick. Since then, this little grandpa is still rolling for more years, I hope!
Imo, use it until it breaks. The listening to the spinning disc argument got eaten by a faster ssd on another classic that I have, plus having my whole library in it, so I rarely sync new music. I tended to do so too often in the past and I screwed a Ssd by corrupting it somehow. The lesson, better leave things untouched as they work!
Though decision. Lol
For some odd reason, I really think that this is a true story. God bless blessica blimp son.
I also discovered a while ago the amazing arrival of pinneaples to Europe, back then they were so rare and expensive that there were companies providing rental services for pinneaples. Rich people would host a pinneaples party, to basically show it, and then to be returned to the company that rented it. Crazy pinneaple times indeed!
Found it. The Wicker man!
I’m located in Europe in a country with high values in terms of animal based food production. Digging a bit deeper into the issue, I learnt a lot about milk production, eggs, meat in general and that made me immediately change my consumer habits. Only supporting small local businesses that produce fairly, respectfully and consciously strictly what needs to be consumed. I am lucky to have access those producers directly, even when the prices are higher and the variety more limited, I am happy to consume in this way animal based products. It’s hard to do when you live on a big city and embedded in the processing food chain. Still I see this as a growing concern in the newer generation. And it gives me hope that the world is somehow changing for good!
I really love black cats! They are mini panteras :)
I came to say they did him dirty with those pics lol
Reminds me of that movie with Christopher Lee, about a sorcery cult on an island. Can’t remember the name of it! Wonderful movie based on sorcery tales collected by the writers and Lee himself. :)
Trenitalia is pure gold!