And then there are the teachers using memes specifically because they know it will make those memes uncool. And I salute them.
I use Debian btw
And then there are the teachers using memes specifically because they know it will make those memes uncool. And I salute them.
The biggest mistake anyone can make with a 10 pound domestic housecat is to underestimate one. Cats seriously punch far above their weight. Like someone welded a bunch of razor blades to a flying, out of control angle grinder that always knows which way is down. A cat can ruin your day quickly.
It’s fortunate their primary prey is plastic.
Jellyfish Jam of course.
Not just the scent of rain, I love the sound of rain. The tapping on the windows. The pitter patter on the roof. The splashing as it forms puddles in my flowerbeds.
I love the feeling of rain. The way it immediately cools the air around me. The way it falls on my head. I could pass on the wet socks, though.
I love the sight of rain. The way it darkens the world a little. The way colors pop when the sun comes back out. The way the flowers are always just a little brighter for having had a quick soak.
There is basically nothing for me not to love about the rain.
My wife’s 2019 16" MPB is running pretty great. Probably got another 5 years of life left in it. She uses it to watch YouTube and play Sims 4.
My 2016 Acer Aspire V3-372T is hanging in there running Debian. 60 FPS YouTube videos are getting to be too much for it anymore. I may have to put the old girl to rest one of these days.
But hey, it does play Minetest pretty flawlessly.
Heat cycling is a huge stressor on any material. That’s part of why diesel freight trucks tend to last well past a million miles while it’s newsworthy if a passenger car makes it that long. How many times a week is your Toyota Corolla driving 10+ hours at a time? Most commonly, when you hear of a million mile vehicle, it was making long haul deliveries daily and was maintained at the correct intervals.
I reeeeeeeally envy y’all for that flag. The design is dope.
My house district represented by a Dem so it’s not that surprising to see Harris-Walz signs, but it IS surprising to see so many. As someone who grew up in the butt crack of Jackson County in DEEP Republican territory, it’s just such a breath of fresh air to be able to live around neighbors who aren’t crazy goobers.
Hello, fellow Okie.
I know how this state is going to vote. It’s been a given every year for nearly six decades. But I’m still gonna vote, as I have in every election since I turned 18. Change doesn’t happen if those who want it get discouraged and sit their asses at home.
What has really inspired me this year is the overwhelming majority of Harris-Walz signs in my neighborhood. I stopped counting, but I reckon there are at least thirty of them. I’ve seen a grand total of five Trump-Vance signs, and three of them are at the same house.
Also, you get much rain last night? It was so good to finally hear thunder again. I had six tenths in my rain gauge this morning!
Update: I stood in line for an hour and a half and cast my ballot. Next time around, I’ll remember to request my mail-in ballot on time lol
Obviously depends on just how bad your eyes are.
Tldr: I can see perfectly fine without glasses because I have one really good eye and one really bad eye.
I wear prescription lenses. Despite that, I can see pretty clearly without my glasses. I have a scratch on my left cornea that happened when I was 4 years old. My right eye can see better than normal because I guess it was still a developmental stage of my life? I don’t know. But I can read literally every line the doctor throws at me with my right eye, and I can do it quickly. But I get stuck on the second or third line down with my left. I’m practically blind in that eye.
What happens is I look at everything through my right eye. I also have a really hard time seeing depth. Seriously, the real world looks no different than a TV screen to me. It’s hard to know exactly where something is in 3D space. I’ve adapted mitigations for it. Like, when I’m driving, I pick points on the car I can see, and if I can’t see past it, I assume my wheels are on it. I also stay way the fuck back from other cars. You see that depth perception kill me when I try to put keys in lock cylinders. I will scratch the absolute shit out of a lock. It’s like I’m drunk.
But as for seeing? I can see mostly fine without my glasses. I can read things. Distant things. I can make out detail just fine. I can navigate the world perfectly. My powers of perception are pretty close to zero. Glasses don’t stop me from stubbing my toes. Really, they’re only there to keep my left eye from straining. And to be in compliance with the restrictions on drivers license.
My wife’s sister had LASIK a few years ago. Prior to that, she was - for all intents and purposes - blind without them. Like Velma Dinkley, she could not move without them. She could make out fuzzy shapes, but she could not accurately grab an object in front of her. For her, it really was like seeing in 144p. The surgery was seriously life-changing for her.
Love that you accounted for the fact that if you rounded up a million randos, statistically, some of them will be missing a finger or two.
Not sure whether you’re being facetious or if you genuinely don’t know, but you link communities with an exclamation point.
If you want to be absolutely sure you point to a community on a specific instance, just include the instance
Everyone knows William Hanna and Joseph Barbera were physicists first and animators/cartoonists second.
That’s actually really cool.
The only foreign coin I have came from a roll of quarters I got in 2015. Back when I visited the laundromat weekly. I stuck my quarters in the machine, but this one kept getting spit out so I checked it. I didn’t recognize the characters on it, but I had an Iranian coworker who might so I took it to work and asked if she knew what it was. She immediately goes, “Oh! This is a dirham! It’s from the UAE.”
Turns out it was worth 23¢ at the time lol
The Weimar Republic has entered the chat.
Who knows how long that man had to work to earn that much paper? Twelve minutes? Thirteeeeen minutes?
Anyway, until inflation hits at least 4,130,772,540,007,917,373,294% Americans should really stop griping about it.
My kitchen sink is next to the water heater. It’s hot in 5 seconds. My shower is on the opposite end of the house. I’d reckon it’s a 2 minute wait. Sometimes, I turn the bathroom sink on and get undressed.
This reminds me of when RTGame played Cities Skylines using a world map mod and made the island of Great Britain the landfill.
I have one that takes AAA’s. I power it with good old nickel rechargeable batteries.
We need to normalize things taking standard cell batteries again. When these bespoke batteries fail and nobody manufactures them anymore, the whole device is e-waste unless you can rig something up.
I’ve got a “portable” CD player from 1991 that takes six AA batteries. It also accepts a 9 volt barrel plug. And I still use it to play my CDs sometimes.
Which is ironic, given that with the sea level rise happening, the last thing Venice needs is more water.
But hey, the fish will have some really valuable real estate in a few decades.