• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • Oh that’s easy—willful ignorance. So too is conservatism entirely absent in playing fast and loose with the full faith and credit of the treasury; in burning the environment to the ground to make money; in undermining national security for political expedience; in venerating liars, hucksters, and philanderers as moral pillars of society; in disparaging education and learning; in repeating the known failures of history to uphold your political idealism.

    If you actually care about moving slowly, upholding traditional virtues, and respecting the inheirited wisdom of social institutions, then the modern Republican party is about as far away as it gets.

  • Wage workers fill out a form with their employer called a W-4 that lets the employer determine the appropriate amount to deduct in tax and pay to the IRS for you.

    Many people have additional sources of income though, some of which will pay tax for you, some of which do not. Each Year when you ‘file’ your taxes you gather all that information together and pay any outstanding balance. (or receive a refund for overpayment). The form is called a 1040 and comes with a workbook that walks you through everything. It includes very large tables where you can look up the tax amount to avoid having to calculate it as well. If your tax situation is fairly straightward an eighth grader could probably do it.