bred into them
No. Absolutely not. Not even maybe.
Taught. The racism is taught.
bred into them
No. Absolutely not. Not even maybe.
Taught. The racism is taught.
This is like when science does a study on why people eat cake and find out it’s mostly because it tastes good. Everyone already knew that, but guess it’s nice to have the paperwork in order?
These guys are so cartoonishly bad at everything that they can’t even fire people right.
This shit is the closest I’ve ever been to believing in god, because I’m desperately running out of other ways to explain how anyone this absolutely inept at everything could fail up so hard. If it’s not divine intervention then I don’t know what the fuck the world even is anymore.
Where’s Workaholic Dad who only comes around when your Mom who doesn’t really care if you lived or died unless you’re making her look good/bad to her friends asks him to beat you?
This has to be the most pathetic ‘no u’ that I’ve ever seen.
Absolutely embarrassing.
Is there some chance an unreputable seller has sold you a mislabeled stick?
Oh that’s easy—willful ignorance. So too is conservatism entirely absent in playing fast and loose with the full faith and credit of the treasury; in burning the environment to the ground to make money; in undermining national security for political expedience; in venerating liars, hucksters, and philanderers as moral pillars of society; in disparaging education and learning; in repeating the known failures of history to uphold your political idealism.
If you actually care about moving slowly, upholding traditional virtues, and respecting the inheirited wisdom of social institutions, then the modern Republican party is about as far away as it gets.
Also how to title a post.
It’s not just CBS, 538’s running average of many polls has his net approval at +5. It’s why I posted the link to begin with, it was their latest listed. You wouldn’t know it looking at lemmy but on average Americans think Trump is doing a fine job.
Accepting that reality and figuring out how best to handle it is probably the most important question in the world right now because so many other problems in need of a solution are dependent on getting it right.
I suggest reading the article.
What was the purpose in tagging me?
The world’s largest and most powerful organization for guaranteeing pedophiles access to children while shielding them from prosecution is admonishing others about the moral implications of having their budget cut?
Maybe they can sell a golden throne or two to close the gap if they’re really that concerned about it.
Fucking degenerate perverts.
Wage workers fill out a form with their employer called a W-4 that lets the employer determine the appropriate amount to deduct in tax and pay to the IRS for you.
Many people have additional sources of income though, some of which will pay tax for you, some of which do not. Each Year when you ‘file’ your taxes you gather all that information together and pay any outstanding balance. (or receive a refund for overpayment). The form is called a 1040 and comes with a workbook that walks you through everything. It includes very large tables where you can look up the tax amount to avoid having to calculate it as well. If your tax situation is fairly straightward an eighth grader could probably do it.
Seems like they nailed the second half. Is this not what everyone else is picturing any time someone earnestly attempts to describe themselves as alpha?
I really enjoy the post downvotes, as if to directly demonstrate why this is a terrible idea. It was a fair question and there is nothing wrong with asking it, but people are mashing downvote anyway because they disagree.
The button has too much power already and too few people are interested in using it correctly.
Remember the first few days after the election when the media was trying to blame Harris’ loss on Dems focusing too much on irrelevant issues like LGBT inclusivity while Republicans were focused on the things people cared most about like the economy.
I see them fine, firefox on android and arch.
Err, what? So it’s only going to block certain file types?