MFW a surprise, but an unwelcome one.
Just a 'lil guy on the web. Also on Mastodon: and Pixey
MFW a surprise, but an unwelcome one.
YES ♥️
Mr Ro…
I didn’t know what a parsec even was, the first dozen times I saw A New Hope. Even now, I’m happy to let the line slide, although it does make me laugh. Not because of the line itself, but the fact that Lucas got caught with his pants down, and instead of laughing it off he and other writers bent over backwards to insist that he didn’t make a mistake.
It’s fine George! Nobody’s perfect!
My favorite part of a movie is the part where you have to read a wiki and listen to a commentary so that one slightly questionable line makes sense.
The ladies call him “Mr. Fantastic.”
I do love Star Trek, but as far as religions go…
Happy birthday to one of the greatest!
by Phllip Larkin
Beyond all this, the wish to be alone:
However the sky grows dark with invitation-cards
However we follow the printed directions of sex
However the family is photographed under the flag-staff -
Beyond all this, the wish to be alone.
Beneath it all, the desire for oblivion runs:
Despite the artful tensions of the calendar,
The life insurance, the tabled fertility rites,
The costly aversion of the eyes away from death -
Beneath it all, the desire for oblivion runs.
People have been picketing the Tesla dealership in San Francisco. That seems like a good place to target on Presidents Day, too.
Sadly true – in more ways than one.
Please: It’s called getting a cornjob.
There’s a lot of reasons. Some got passively sucked into right-wing brainwashing by Fox News and talk radio. Some dove into fascist Internet rabbit holes.
But my guess is most are people who avoid political news and commentary, don’t really know what’s going on, and don’t really care unless there’s an election on, and even then only at the last minute; and they’re most influenced by the last, loudest message they heard before pulling the lever. Those folks stopped paying attention the day after the election, and they aren’t really. paying attention now. If you point out to them that eggs are still expensive, they’ll look back at you in confusion and say, “Are we still talking about that?”
“Um, are we curing plague? Or causing it?”
“Well, let’s see how the evening goes.”
Meanwhile, in the Delta Quadrant:
All that might be true, but I refuse to deny the possibility that Stormtroopers’ aim is especially bad when attempting to shoot at their secret crushes 😍 .
You’d. Better. Warp.
Oof, I thought it was Tuesday.