I guess a silver lining is that Florida will eventually be under water. So at least there’s that (sigh).
Shitposter while I tend to two babies. Maybe when I have my life back, I’ll help us get a few more niche communities back?
I guess a silver lining is that Florida will eventually be under water. So at least there’s that (sigh).
Ah, yes, quite a few systems use that. Iirc, when I first got into research I believe it was SPSS that have me pause (maybe STATA) when dates seemed to reference day in the 60s. It’s been a while so I don’t remember the specifics, but I always thought it was a neat way to handle dates.
I think some do a vertical scroll, but that’s usually lengthier and used for things with narrative. On Lemmy for instance I see Owl House do a long scroll, but it’s more of a light novel than a comic strip.
A three panel vertical… Actually isn’t Cyanide and Happiness doing that, in particular on Lemmy feeds?
I’mma be honest, I didn’t laugh at you post but I got laugh at the reaction and uncertainty without a /s. Not that the reaction isn’t justified, though, cause Jesus fucking Christ, man.
I think my point is they’re exploiting a real need in order to push whatever crap agenda they have. That’s true in healthcare, immigration, and “the price of eggs” (read: social inequality). Until those holes are fixed, there’ll be conmen to exploit our needs.
I like the idea of that being a special move given the other side has to setup the 8th piece. That’d be silly, except that’s kinda how en passant works so c’est la vie.
That’s a tall order, which isn’t to say it’s not effective but it is to say just how much research is conducted over the past 50 years using DOEs data. We’re talking statistical proof that preschool works, that poverty hurts achievement way more than you’d think (and why), how TV impacts test scores, and so on.
They have studies that follow kids from birth into adulthood that give us the only direct look into long term outcomes of various upbringings. I used it in my dissertation to show that even with college, “elites” will make a lot more money after graduation due to school selection, even controlling for student aptitude on tests and other merit metrics.
Definitely one of the ones in it for the kink.
It says 2 years ago on the post so I doubt it. However, I’d like to remind people that it doesn’t have to be AI to be fake, a dude could just apply a filter to a photo they took in recent times. The Internet isn’t exactly a place to be believed without proper sources.
No no, it’s like graphics cards naming. Warhammer 10700, Warhammer 20500, etc. this is just referring to the 4th generation Warhammers.
He fired 17 times and it’s still just an injury? Oof.
Also someone needs to figure out if there’s something in Floridian drinking water.
The real number is 11 to 12 million, according to Pew; GOP was doubling that in their lies. Real research also suggests the criminal rate is lower than US average, but again, GOP inflates that number by magnitudes.
That said, when called out, they just say “illegally entering makes you a criminal”. They’re also arguing legal immigration is illegal (e.g. those granted asylum) so their numbers will naturally be higher under that incorrect definition.
I’m partial to my 8bitdo Pro 2 in translucent purple. I recommend looking into it, they even give you some sick joystick covers.
My 2yo goes fucking nuts when Bobomb battle field plays, particularly the Hang onto your Hat remix album. Whole family dancing, kids spinning around, good times had by all.
If you started with the beatboxed version at that family table, I would back you up with the bzzchek budda bucheck sounds. Greentext’s family doesn’t know the classics.
Ah, I’m going to miss Snopes in the post-truth society. :(
All correct, lots of interesting psychology articles on this and even a documentary about it iirc (like implanting getting lost in a mall as a child.) I teach confirmation bias in one of my classes and some of it is also just misremembering things to fit a narrative you want to believe.
What’s funny to me while I learned about it is that I don’t seem to do this fill-in-the-gaps misremembering stuff. I just don’t remember shit. What I do remember is vague and undetailed, though, and kind of easy to prove in the sense that vague memories could be all sorts of things (like crying but not remembering why). It’s like all a blur until college, lol.
My guess is my shitty childhood was traumatic, or I’m neurologically atypical (and given how weird I am, probably both). It doesn’t help I get conflicting stories from parents though.
While the article is a little dated, it’s also a little misleading since he’s describing all brain altering drugs, such a opioids.
Still not great, but the devil’s advocate could still argue that mandatory rehab at a commune for drug abuse is quite reasonable (especially over prison). What’s problematic is him making it a labor camp, and including things like Adderall even if it doesn’t quite sound mandatory in their case. Adderall abuse certainly exists, as with most things, but it’s certainly no heroin.
Right now the status quo sucks, though, as far as drug rehab and government services are concerned. Since at least Reagan, we’ve gutted those services to those who need it. Just wish it wasn’t these assholes filling that void. Really need a progressive in office…
Well, looked it up and it wasn’t SPSS I was thinking of, seems they use 1582 and count to by seconds which results in pretty absurd intergers. And STATA arbitrarily uses 1 Jan 1960 because why not.
Honestly your version sounds cooler. I use R now for my data needs, and looking is up, those badasses do use 1 Jan 1970. Why anyone pays for statistical software when we have R and Python, I’ll never understand.