Ever …SO FAR!
Ever …SO FAR!
Chamberlain was elected‽
It’s cute to think Musk would let trump take the call
I’m pretty sure the Spanish flu is also really the American flu…
Who in America doesn’t eat cake batter‽ I always heard not to but never got sick so I never listened. Also our fat asses love raw cookie dough.
The light poles have been greased
The media did the exact same thing too they had a bunch of Iraq war experts and nobody about why we shouldn’t go to war…
Maybe we’re the baddies? https://youtu.be/ToKcmnrE5oY
Bullshit unless the company is making 20% less off my work suddenly…it’s a win win for business don’t let them pay less rent and you less salary.
Whilst high on coke
The ones about the guy who got out of jail on some program and murdered a lady? I think so
Party of statea rights
Let’s go Canada!
Hell there are barely pro democracy people in the US anymore
We are fucking clown shoes
That president is the enemy of every single American worth less than a billion dollars, unfortunately there’s a solid chunk of Americans who seem to think they’re going to wake up and become billionaires. But please know we don’t want any of this stupid bullshit
I’m currently in New Orleans for the Superbowl and this shit is LOCKED DOWN. They have every police and National Guard along with ATF and others on every corner. Just saying they ain’t putting up with any shenanigans here and this was before orange shithead said he’s coming.
So we can’t have a consumer protection agency but we can spend half a billion on shitty cars